My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR 1800T, 2000T

How to change Time-Zone

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    I bought the 2000T in the UK and am using it in France. The GMT+0 time-zone for the UK seems to be the default. I can't see how to change it to the European time-zone. Can anybody help?

    | Thu 24 Apr 2014 15:15:38 #1 |
  2. MontysEvilTwin


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    If it is like the HDR-FOX T2, you can access a hidden menu in Settings>System>System information by pressing red, green, yellow, blue, green, yellow, blue and change the country there.

    | Thu 24 Apr 2014 16:20:20 #2 |
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    The hidden menu options are identical to the HDR-FOX T2 including all the country options.

    However, I thought that changing this on a HDR-FOX T2 alters the frequencies that the PVR can use for channel tuning. IIRC someone posted from Australia that they set it to Germany to change the frequencies.

    Also dosn't the time zone come directly from the TV signal and is therefore unchangable unless you change the aerial signal?

    Edit: It looks like changing the country will change the time zone

    But if you are managing to pick up a UK transmitter you will need to change it back to England when ever you need to retune.

    | Thu 24 Apr 2014 21:28:11 #3 |
  4. -gonzo-


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    The times set by the broadcast data.

    | Fri 25 Apr 2014 6:56:04 #4 |

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