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How to open up and clean RM-F01 remote control

(1 post)
  1. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 11,074


    Someone posted this on DS a while ago now:

    1. Remove batteries (no, there aren't any screws to remove!) You can snap the battery door back shut again as it doesn't need to be off to get the main case apart. (but you do need the batteries out so that the springs release easily)
    2. Find yourself a small very thin penknife blade (I used a Swiss Army Knife one - the smallest blade)
    3. Without the knife, just get hold of the remote with both hands at each end and twist it back and forth to make sure it will flex.
    4. The indents are on the top plate at regular intervals. The "hooks" are on the side of the base. You just need to find the first one to spring...
    5. Holding the remote horizontally, i/r window to the left (I'm right handed) with the side of the remote facing you, peak over the top and draw an imaginary line across the remote towards you from the top of the "OPT+" button.
    6. Where this "line" comes over the edge, place the point of your knife in the join and push in with a firm pressure. You should hear a click and the case will start to part...
    7. Quickly put your thumbnail in the opening and twist... The next catch is about 6cm up on that side (line across the "MEDIA" & "GUIDE" buttons.
    8. Once you get these two open, the rest are relatively plain sailing. They are ALL the same, all the way round; even at the ends. Pressure on the top plate inside the gap releases them. The bottom compartment is over them.
    9. Remember that everything is carried by the upper plate (the circuit board and button rubber is lightly clipped to it); including the battery springs which should lift out of their holders as you prise the cases apart.
    10. Voila! One Humax remote disassembled.

    Putting it back together is simpler, you just need to remember to assemble everything into the top plate (under the latches either end for the circuit board) and then offer up the battery springs first as you place the two halves together...

    | Mon 17 Mar 2014 11:50:56 #1 |

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