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Failed Radio Recording

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    Before going on holiday I set a daily timed switch on to maintain the EPG, and all programmed TV recordings duly recorded. however only two radio recordings happened. After seven days - zilch !
    In settings, it would seem you can only make one timed switch on, either TV or Radio, but not both, or am I missing something !
    Also have a FOX SAT HDR with similar menus.


    | Sun 30 Dec 2012 17:11:12 #1 |
  2. gomezz


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    Are these radio programmes that recorded fine before? Series Linking is a bit hit and miss on radio.

    | Sun 30 Dec 2012 17:15:05 #2 |
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    Other radio recordings have been OK whilst at home, but then the PVR would be on frequently.


    | Sun 30 Dec 2012 17:25:16 #3 |
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    Which radio programmes recorded OK and which did not?

    Also do you use manual record on any TV or radio channels and if so which? Or do you ever manually adjust timers after selecting them from the epg?

    | Sun 30 Dec 2012 18:31:59 #4 |
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    OK, radio 4 "I'm Sorry, I haven't A Clue" failed - only two episodes recorded. From memory successful recordings were Radio 4 - "Count Arthur Strong" and Radio 4 Extra - "Paul Temple". I don't record many radio programmes.
    All recordings, TV and Radio are done using EPG, no manually programmed recordings.
    The only glitches on TV involve Channel 5 !!!!


    | Sun 30 Dec 2012 19:28:36 #5 |
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    Studon - 2 hours ago  » 
    radio 4 "I'm Sorry, I haven't A Clue" failed - only two episodes recorded.

    The final episode of series 58 was first broadcast on Monday 17th December. That should have been the last successful recording of ISIHC, unless you were recording the repeats.

    There was a Christmas ISIHC special on the 24th. This would not normally have been defined as being part of series 58. I suspect that the BBC defined it as a separate series. A separate timer was needed to record it. As the freeview epg is only for 7/8 days you would have needed to set a manual timer for it to record while you were away.
    It is being repeated tomorrow (31/1/12 7:30) and New Year's day (11:30).
    Does what I have said account for your missed recordings of ISIHC?

    Studon - 4 hours ago  » 
    In settings, it would seem you can only make one timed switch on, either TV or Radio, but not both, or am I missing something !

    Concerning the epg it would not matter where the timed switch on was for Radio or TV as the HDR-FOX-T2 takes all the epg from that broadcast stream without filtering out any of the channels whether they are radio or TV or for channels that you have deleted. All epg data is stored. It is only from the epg display that any filtering of what is displayed occurs.

    However if you wanted to you could set up separate reminder timers which can be set to repeat daily. It won’t make any difference to your epg though compared to what you are already doing.

    | Sun 30 Dec 2012 22:03:36 #6 |
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    Luke - Yes.
    I recorded ISHIAC on Nov 19 and 26 OK, which was my first seven days away. I missed Dec 3 and Dec 10 episodes. I was back home for Dec 17 broadcast. The programme was still in the recording schedule minus any dates.

    Fortunately, I did manage to hear the repeat of Dec 10 broadcast and the Xmas special.


    | Mon 31 Dec 2012 15:46:31 #7 |
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    It has taken me a long time to be convinced but for the missed recordings of Dec 3 and DEc 10 episodes it does look as though it was a BBC series link id eror glitch.... unless your wakeup setting was failing to work...

    Black Hole on records ISIHC. I haven't noticed him post anything about missing any of its episodes recently. If it as a BBC series id issue glitch there would have been an issue being away or not being away.

    Apart from going manual what I would do in your position is to add an overnight repeat reminder for one of the BBC children's channels. Twenty minutes should be more than ample. Avoid doing this for about 4:30 am unless you want to stop the Humax from downloading new software.

    | Mon 31 Dec 2012 17:54:34 #8 |
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    Thanks for your responses, I'll do a bit of checking over the next few weeks to see if it was a one off or not.


    | Mon 31 Dec 2012 18:42:27 #9 |
  10. ezra pound

    ezra pound

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    Studon - 1 day ago  » In settings, it would seem you can only make one timed switch on, either TV or Radio, but not both, or am I missing something

    You can have multiple repeating 'Reminders' e.g. wake-up from standby on a certain channel at a certain time and then shut down without recording

    | Tue 1 Jan 2013 14:01:17 #10 |

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