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HDD not available check HDD?

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    Hi i'm new here and decided to join having had no replies from HUMAX as yet.
    I bought my HUMAX Foxsat HDR about 18 months ago and have had no worries till about 8 days ago when I encountered a problem with the HDD.
    After booting up and showing a TV station, an error message appeared on screen It said 'HDD not available Check HDD'
    When I went through SYSTEM to check I noticed that the HDD options was greyed out and I could not scroll down and click on it.
    Grateful for any advice before I take it for repair

    Cheers Nic

    | Sun 13 Jan 2013 17:07:42 #1 |
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    Not much you can do yourself without opening the machine up.

    Most likely the disk has failed - it might just be a cable loose or a power problem - unlikely though. Worst case is a problem on the HDR's internal board, though they are rarely, if ever, reported.

    If you've got a two year warranty, then that's the way to go. Otherwise you can replace the disk yourself. Easy enough job. There's plenty of posts on how to do it and recommendations for replacement disks.


    | Sun 13 Jan 2013 19:12:29 #2 |
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    Thanks Dino
    I'll take a closer look and get back


    | Tue 15 Jan 2013 10:52:12 #3 |
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    I get this too so would be interested to hear if you fixed it. I bought a new HDD, installed it, formatted it and all appeared fine - I could record, pause and rewind TV etc., but after setting up a few recordings for the evening I checked the next day and the same 'HDD not available' message had re-appeared. Sent the HDD back for replacement but the same thing has happened with the new disc. It installs and formats ok and all looks well until the next day - all I can think of is that something happens to the HDD when the unit goes into standby overnight and is restarted the next day. Back to square one with no recording and no HDD accessible from the menu. I've tried formatting the HDD from the hidden menu, which doesn't work. I can select the option but nothing happens - not even an error message to work on.

    | Thu 31 Jan 2013 16:35:26 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    daved1965 - 9 minutes ago  » 
    I've tried formatting the HDD from the hidden menu, which doesn't work. I can select the option but nothing happens - not even an error message to work on.

    What capacity is the drive?

    | Thu 31 Jan 2013 16:45:28 #5 |


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    daved1965 - the disk is a low power AV drive?

    | Thu 31 Jan 2013 16:46:30 #6 |
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    Both 1tb drives. One of these - WD Caviar Green 1TB SATA III 6GB/s Internal Hard Drive 3.5 inch, from Amazon. A reviewer had used one in Humax box and it worked fine so thought I'd be ok.

    | Fri 1 Feb 2013 16:26:52 #7 |
  8. grahamlthompson


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    daved1965 - 7 minutes ago  » 
    Both 1tb drives. One of these - WD Caviar Green 1TB SATA III 6GB/s Internal Hard Drive 3.5 inch, from Amazon. A reviewer had used one in Humax box and it worked fine so thought I'd be ok.

    The WD models suitable for pvr use are models AV-GP

    | Fri 1 Feb 2013 16:34:58 #8 |
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    Ah. That would explain my problem then! Cheers.

    | Mon 4 Feb 2013 13:15:24 #9 |
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    Thank for your all these earlier posts. I have a very similar problem.

    I've installed a new Harddisk to my Humax Foxsat HDR.
    It is a WD AV 2TB 3.5" SATA Media Hard Drive.(WD AV-GP SATA hard drive)
    Its power consumption is very low at 4.50 Watts. Full spec here:

    What I did:
    I partitioned the drive and formatted it as per Raydon's instructions in his wonderful web interface (humaxbox>documentation>FAQ>Upgrading/Replacing the Hard Disk> Installing Drives Exceeding 1TB)

    My problem:
    When I first installed the new HD and powered the device I was able to watch live TV, but the error "HDD not available Check HDD" was observed.
    On the 3rd reboot of the device this error went away and I was able to watch my recorded TV and access the HD as expected.

    Randomly, I still get the "HDD not available Check HDD" error, but not everyday. To 'resolve' the error, I just reboot the device (off/on with the remote) and 99% of the time, I don't get the problem in the second boot.

    It seems to happen more when the device hasn't been in use for a good number of hours. I've not been able to find a repeatable pattern or set of circumstances I get this error.

    I checked, re-checked, and triple checked for any lose connections that I might had made whilst swapped the HD.

    I thought it would be a power problem, but there's no lose connections. I'm happy the drive itself is 100% fine 'in itself'. But I question if the drive I bought is right for the Humax. It is a WD AV-GP drive, so it should be fine and the power requirement is low. I can't tell if my new HD has a higher or lower power requirement than the original.

    Any suggestions are more than welcome.
    Thanks, Matthew

    | Sat 29 Apr 2017 9:01:14 #10 |

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