My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR 1800T, 2000T

HDR 2000T - cannot record anything

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    Sorry if this appears twice .. I am new to forums as well as new fancy PVRs!!
    Hi. My old PVR of 16 years has just packed up. Having bought a HDR-2000t yesterday cant record from guide, or set instant record going to come back later and catch up!! must be doing something stupid .. but I am trying to follow the instructions i.e. brought up TV guide selected a channel and program and hot REC button.. it says "start recording .." I hit OK .. but nothing happens .. cant see anything in Media? What am I doing wrong!! Thanks

    | Mon 11 Aug 2014 20:14:22 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Welcome to our Forum

    To schedule a recording from the guide, highlight programme name, press OK, if part of a series you will be offered the option to record all episodes.

    To instant record whilst watching live TV, press rec, once recording has started press record again to change the duration of the instant timer by selecting options presented in on screen message or manually by pressing left/right arrows.

    Note once a recording starts it takes little while, approx. 30 secs before it appears in media.

    Your duplicate post has been deleted.

    | Mon 11 Aug 2014 20:30:45 #2 |
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    Patrick17 - 21 minutes ago  » cant see anything in Media? What am I doing wrong!! Thanks

    When in MEDIA press the yellow button and ensure that 'Video' is highlighted (in blue). If 'Video' is not highlighted then select it. You will only need to do this once unless you change it for other reasons.

    Patrick17 - 46 minutes ago  » HDR-2000t yesterday cant record from guide

    Recordings that have not yet started are not shown in the MEDIA section. To see what you have lined up to record (but has not yet recorded) go into the GUIDE and press the yellow button on the remote.

    | Mon 11 Aug 2014 20:38:04 #3 |
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    Thank you Luke and Barry. I have been away with work all week and come back to an unhappy family. It still doesn't work. Doesn't do anything really. Looking at your notes and trying today....

    I press REC to do instant recording and OK; and extend instant recording to the following program as a test c40 mins. PVR now shows the red light... TV still showing the channel I was on..After 2 minutes press Media button .. nothing happens .. display remains the same. Repeat pressing of the Media button after 5 minutes.. nothing happens.

    PVR is still showing the red light/glow and I go to Guide scroll down a few channels and press REC a red blog is now displayed against that Programme... which makes me feel it s doing something. I press guide and watch tv for 5 mins .. pressing Media button doesn't not do anything .. back into Guide .. see the blob still showing against the program I selected.. press the yellow button and schedule has no entries just a highlighted first line for a new reservation .. so I OK'd that and made a reservation for a different channel for 10 minutes.. This showed my reservation now .. I used Exit to go back to watch TV .. this changed the size of display from widescreen to 4:3... watched TV for 6 minutes and tried MEdia button .. nothing.
    prior to my scheduled recording a message popped up telling me it was about to start .. and I said yes to continue.. Media button did nothing.. List button showed two channels with a red blob next to them.. pressed Guide and then schedule and I can see my 10 minute recording I scheduled showing on the second line.

    Waited 30 minutes so all recordings should have finished ..

    List button now does not show the two red blobs on the 2 channels.. Media button doesn't do anything .. Guide and Yellow[schedule] shows empty list? What am I doing wrong? !!

    Can the box be faulty in that it does everything but record?

    Any help would be appreciated as I have to e away all next wee too!

    Many thanks


    | Sat 16 Aug 2014 14:17:50 #4 |
  5. Barry


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    Can you check:


    Is Data Storage an available option or is it 'greyed out'

    Reason for asking is with media doing nothing, suspect HDD is not being recognised on boot.

    | Sat 16 Aug 2014 16:23:41 #5 |
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    Hi Barry.

    Thanks for replying. I can see the data storage option.. it reports I have 93% available and I did the HDD test which it passed.

    I did reset factory defaults a while ago - just in case I had done something wrong .. but its the same... Nothing happens if I press the Media button.

    | Sat 16 Aug 2014 16:56:05 #6 |


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    Don't know your unit but I would try a Hard Disk reformat.

    | Sat 16 Aug 2014 16:59:34 #7 |
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    Patrick17 - 32 minutes ago  » 
    Nothing happens if I press the Media button.

    Just in case the MEDIA button on the remote is faulty there is another way into the MEDIA menu.

    On your remote press MENU and then from the menu list that appears select 'Video'.

    | Sat 16 Aug 2014 17:30:40 #8 |
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    Thanks REPASSAC
    - I have tried that way quite a few times .. does absolutely nothing.
    . it returns me to the TV screen

    Oh Well I'll try the disk reformat .. My Model is a HDR-2000T with a 500gb drive

    | Sat 16 Aug 2014 18:19:12 #9 |
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    Patrick17 - 46 minutes ago  » 
    Thanks REPASSAC
    - I have tried that way quite a few times .. does absolutely nothing.
    . it returns me to the TV screen
    Oh Well I'll try the disk reformat .. My Model is a HDR-2000T with a 500gb drive

    So is mine.
    If the format does not work then your 2000T is a dud. Should the reformat not work then hopefully you can easily return the 2000T and get all your money back.

    | Sat 16 Aug 2014 19:10:57 #10 |

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