My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR FOX T2

Improvements thanks to 1.02.20

(17 posts)
  1. smarts


    Joined: Jul '11
    Posts: 14


    I updated to 10.02.20 the other evening and I'm very pleased to report that the HDMI switching (green screen) problem is resolved (Panasonic Viera) and the audio volume from the Humax is now at a higher level (it's now comparable with the native volume level from the Viera's DVB tuner).
    All good then - as far as I can see so far

    | Thu 28 Jul 2011 15:59:29 #1 |
  2. Wallace


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    I agree. Since the update I have not had to reboot either my TV or Humax to get a picture. However, it can sometimes take a couple of seconds of 'snow' before syncing in.

    Volume levels on both SD & HD are comparable with my other Topfield 5810 Freeview box now too. All-in-all a good update!

    | Fri 29 Jul 2011 13:10:11 #2 |
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    I was also in the same boat. I think the HDMI problem has gone away, but my sound levels are still way down on my other consumer HDMI sources.

    I hate to be a newbie killjoy, but I've been struggling to find 4 input HDMI switchers that are a bit better than the plastic Chinese Octopuses that are being sold. The last switcher I tried was a nicely packaged Aten VS481a. That switcher worked fine with 4 other HDMI sources, but only sync locked to the Humax after it got a power reset. Then if you switched away to a no input source and back it wouldn't lock to the Humax.

    Methinks something could be odd about the Humax HDMI spec. or the standard they are working to which makes it incompatible with this HDMI switcher.

    Being Freeview I wonder if the HDMI interface has to meet standards to carry the Freeview label?

    | Mon 12 Dec 2011 22:13:53 #3 |
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    smarts - 4 months ago  » 
    I updated to 10.02.20 the other evening and I'm very pleased to report that the HDMI switching (green screen) problem is resolved (Panasonic Viera) and the audio volume from the Humax is now at a higher level (it's now comparable with the native volume level from the Viera's DVB tuner).
    All good then - as far as I can see so far

    And a new bug is introduced. The HD normal volume has been increased but not the Audio Description. This makes the Audio Description on the T2 channels unusable.

    | Mon 12 Dec 2011 23:29:17 #4 |
  5. Barry


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    Humax Towers are aware of the AD problem..

    | Tue 13 Dec 2011 8:51:23 #5 |
  6. myhumax


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    Thanks to v20 on both the HDR and HD, we are able to stream SD and HD recordings from the HDR to HD...

    Look out for my blog post on this coming soon!

    | Wed 14 Dec 2011 20:22:11 #6 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    son_t - 26 minutes ago  » 
    Thanks to v20 on both the HDR and HD, we are able to stream SD and HD recordings from the HDR to HD...
    Look out for my blog post on this coming soon!

    Over on they are claimimg there is a bug with the DLNA clients (but not servers) that means that recordings larger than 4GB stop at the 4GB boundary; have you encountered that?

    | Wed 14 Dec 2011 20:50:42 #7 |
  8. myhumax


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    Have not had the HD for very long, so have not encountered that...

    One thing I have noticed when streaming from the HDR with power saving is enabled is that it powers off after 3 hours. Have you seen this reported anywhere? I've uploaded a whole series of AVIs to the HDR and even manually playing back episodes after episodes, the box will still turn off after 3 hours...

    Could these two issues be related? I will see if I have the 4gb problem with the HD. Whatever the result, I am sure Humax will fix issues if we detail how to replicate them.

    | Wed 14 Dec 2011 21:29:10 #8 |
  9. myhumax


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    I have now looked into the 4GB issue. Yes the HD does bomb out at 4GB when playing a recording bigger than this in file size.

    I also tested the HDR as a client, playing back a file from my UPnP NAS device using the HDR, and yes the bug is also in the HDR's firmware.

    Apparently, Humax are aware, so I hope this will get fixed in the new firmware release for the HD and HDR.

    | Sat 17 Dec 2011 20:00:17 #9 |
  10. ezra pound

    ezra pound

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    One thing I have noticed when streaming from the HDR with power saving is enabled is that it powers off after 3 hours.

    This sounds like Auto power down, It can be turned off with MENU >> Settings >> System >> Power Management >> Automatic Power Down = Off, User Manual Page 57

    | Sun 18 Dec 2011 1:37:48 #10 |

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