Evening all,
We've just got ourselves a 2000T and after updating to the latest firmware (1.01.06), which resolved regular signal cutout issues, we're left with an ever so slight annoyance. The box makes fairly frequent irregular noises that sound like the hard drive being accessed. The noise is quiet - you can only hear it during quiet scenes - but just audible enough to irritate. While there's no real pattern to it, I'd say it happens every 10 seconds or so on average. We previously had a 9300t that didn't noticeably do the same, though that could've been due to it being an overall noisier box.
I'd just like to know if this is something others have experienced and that's just how it is with this model, or if I've got a dodgy box. And any advice on sorting it would also be much appreciated if anyone has any suggestions.
Thanks in advance!