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New Satellite Dish Mounting

(11 posts)
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    Joined: Jan '12
    Posts: 37


    Hi all.

    I am installing a new satellite dish as our current one is only single LNB and looking a bit tired anyway.

    The current dish is mounted on a pole along with our terrestrial TV aerial. Would I be better off fixing the new dish directly to the wall with the supplied bracket, or using the existing bracket already on the pole.

    I'm not sure if the existing bracket has compatible fittings with the new dish yet - but it would obviously save a lot of work if it did. But my real question is whether the pole mount is less stable anyway, and should I take this opportunity to mount the new dish in the best possible way?


    | Sun 5 Feb 2012 12:42:11 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    The Mark three and four Sky minidishes can be wall mounted or fixed to an existing pole with a suitable u-bolt. I stuck one up for a neighbour using a U bolt and it mounted very nicely between the TV mast wall brackets. Because the pole is supported above and below the Dish it's rock solid.


    1. MiniDishWeb.jpg (114 KB, 1 downloads) 13 years old
    | Sun 5 Feb 2012 13:24:35 #2 |
  3. Tembo11


    Joined: Jan '12
    Posts: 22


    Reginald - 2 hours ago  » 
    Hi all.
    I am installing a new satellite dish as our current one is only single LNB and looking a bit tired anyway.


    Our existing and original (SKy) dish took a quad LNB without needing to change anything else

    | Sun 5 Feb 2012 15:35:12 #3 |
  4. Tembo11


    Joined: Jan '12
    Posts: 22


    should have included this link to aid sattelit finding

    | Sun 5 Feb 2012 15:37:03 #4 |
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    This is very similar to my setup. The pole is mounted to the wall with two brackets (only the bottom one is visible in the photo), but they do extend quite a long way out from the wall. I suppose if its survived this long it should be ok.

    There were no instructions with the kit I bought, but I've just looked at the brackets supplied and I can see now that it works in the same way, so it should be good!



    1. SAM_0221-2.JPG (97.4 KB, 1 downloads) 13 years old
    | Sun 5 Feb 2012 15:42:07 #5 |
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    Thanks Tembo11.

    I intend to have a stab at aligning the dish myself, but if I can't do it I will get someone in. I wouldn't want to spoil the whole job by getting the last crucial bit wrong.


    | Sun 5 Feb 2012 15:47:32 #6 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    Reginald - 1 hour ago  » 
    Thanks Tembo11.
    I intend to have a stab at aligning the dish myself, but if I can't do it I will get someone in. I wouldn't want to spoil the whole job by getting the last crucial bit wrong.

    Excellent diy advice here.

    | Sun 5 Feb 2012 16:49:39 #7 |
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    Fortunately, I was able to get my new dish to fit on the existing mounting bracket, so I didn't have to locate the azimuth again. However, the new dish elevation adjustment does not have any scale like the old one, so I have to do this by trial and error.

    I was able to find a signal easily enough using BBC1, but is there a particular channel that is good to use for fine adjustment? Should I use a poor strength Eurobird 1 channel (like CBS Reality+1) and try to get the best signal on that channel, or is this not good practise?

    Is the idea to point in between Astra and Eurobird 1 or aim directly at Astra? I'm inclined not to fiddle with the azimuth direction as this has already been set by a "professional" dish installer.


    | Sat 11 Feb 2012 20:21:05 #8 |
  9. grahamlthompson


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    I would set up using the Freesat home transponder. 11428 H on EB1. Optimise the skew on EB1 - mark the lnb. Now go to a Astra 2D channel and find the optimum skew. Set the lnb skew about halfway between the two.

    | Sun 12 Feb 2012 10:47:26 #9 |
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    Joined: Jan '12
    Posts: 37


    Thanks for the advice - most helpful.


    | Mon 13 Feb 2012 8:17:35 #10 |

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