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Power saving in Standby - is it worth it?

(11 posts)
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    Joined: Jan '12
    Posts: 14


    Good to be back in the friendliest Hummy forum (yes, that's brazen buttering up!).

    I'm always keen to use less power and th book says that with power saving "On" the unit uses less than 1w in standby. The drawback is that you can't use the TV because the aerial pass thorough isn't powered. Does anyone (Barry?) know how much the unit uses in Standby with power saving "Off" - is it worth the inconvenience?

    I asked Customer Support (?) but haven't had the courtesy of a reply after a week.

    | Thu 12 Jan 2012 16:19:39 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
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    Measurements taken with my own meter similar to this:

    0.4W power saving on
    3.8W power saving off

    | Thu 12 Jan 2012 16:41:50 #2 |
  3. myhumax


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    I use a hamster to power the box in standby... I might have to upgrade to a rabbit if I want to turn powersaving off

    Any chance of values for it when viewing an HD channel, and when viewing one HD channel, and recording another HD channel? (I've mis-placed my power meter...)

    | Thu 12 Jan 2012 16:47:29 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    Extra 3.4W say 16hrs/day. That's 3.4 x 16 x 365 watt hrs = 19856 or 19.856 units. Say 16p/unit about £3.20/annum.

    A passive splitter to retain low power sby will just about pay for itself in 12 months (unless of course the OP already has one)

    | Thu 12 Jan 2012 16:56:34 #4 |
  5. Barry


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    20.5W viewing one HD channel
    21.0W viewing one and recording another HD channel

    | Thu 12 Jan 2012 17:01:22 #5 |
  6. ezra pound

    ezra pound

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    Due to power factors and distorted waveforms it is very difficult to measure the power a unit takes in standby, I have connected the HDR to the electric meter in my house with all other appiancies disconnected (The old spinning wheel sort) and measured the power over a 1 Hour period. With power saving on it drew 0.5 Watts and with powersaving off it drew 1.5 Watts

    | Thu 12 Jan 2012 17:02:30 #6 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    ezra pound - 2 minutes ago  » 
    Due to power factors and distorted waveforms it is very difficult to measure the power a unit takes in standby, I have connected the HDR to the electric meter in my house with all other appiancies disconnected (The old spinning wheel sort) and measured the power over a 1 Hour period. With power saving on it drew 0.5 Watts and with powersaving off it drew 1.5 Watts

    Make that 2 years to pay for a splitter

    | Thu 12 Jan 2012 17:05:23 #7 |
  8. rkm_hm

    Watt Tyler

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    Posts: 45


    Barry - 38 minutes ago  » 
    Measurements taken with my own meter similar to this:
    0.4W power saving on
    3.8W power saving off

    So, according to my calculations, if it was on standby for the whole time (which it won't be of course!) you'd save about £3.60 in a year at 12p per unit. Think what you could do with that!<g>


    | Thu 12 Jan 2012 17:25:17 #8 |
  9. User has not uploaded an avatar


    Joined: Jan '12
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    Thanks for that - what's a passive splitter, I might get one for the wife?

    | Thu 12 Jan 2012 17:56:27 #9 |


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    It is good to see efforts going into knowing power consumption and hopefully reducing the impact on the planet.

    | Thu 12 Jan 2012 18:20:03 #10 |

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