ParksidePeter - 20 hours ago »
JoMo - 1 week ago »
Hello all.
I've been a longtime user of an FVP-5000T which unfortunately appears to be starting to fail so I've recieved a 2TB Aura as a gift. Having had a (very) quick look through this forum it seems that there are many problems with this box. Could I beg some of your time and ask for a list of current known issues, and any fixes/workarounds where appropriate, as a starting point.
Thanks for your patience.Take into account that most users don't have problems. The complainants are in the minority. I've had one since shortly after launch, use it daily and don't have issues with it.
Don’t have problems, or just live with them.
Can you say that after unpausing a recording it NEVER jumps to the start or that when returning to a part watched recording it ALWAYS remembers where you were?