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Recordings cutting off too soon

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    Yet another problem has reared it's head. Just of late I have been getting recorded programes cutting off right near the end too soon. There has been no interuption of power, internet connection etc. a programe on the Yesterday channel cut off too soon and a programe i started to manualy record as it was being broadcast a minute into it on bbc1. That also cut off recording too soon before it finished. Some programes have even carried on recording after they have finished. Most frustrating.

    | Thu 25 Dec 2014 13:20:53 #1 |
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    Keith Wadsworth

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    Hi hubb

    I had this problem recently - see this thread :

    | Thu 25 Dec 2014 15:00:57 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    hubb - 2 hours ago  » 
    Just of late I have been getting recorded programes cutting off right near the end too soon. There has been no interuption of power, internet connection etc. a programe on the Yesterday channel cut off too soon and a programe i started to manualy record as it was being broadcast a minute into it on bbc1. That also cut off recording too soon before it finished. Some programes have even carried on recording after they have finished. Most frustrating.

    Manual records will not use accurate recording; I usually extend the recording by pressing the record key a second time. I suspect (but don't know for certain) that programs on Yesterday don't use use accurate recording. So what you have found will be true of any Humax Freeview recorder; does anyone know if othe manufacturers do these cases better?

    | Thu 25 Dec 2014 15:48:18 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    djkj - 47 minutes ago  » 
    I had this problem recently - see this thread :

    Your problem had similar symptoms but was actually a different problem.

    | Thu 25 Dec 2014 15:49:36 #4 |
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    hubb - 22 hours ago  »  a programe on the Yesterday channel cut off too soon .... Most frustrating.

    Hold on. This highlights one of the good points of the Humax freeview recorders. The Yesterday channel does not subscribe to accurate recording. There is no way for a terrestrial recorder to know this and it has no choice but to record pretty much according to the official schedule. The Yesterday channel frequently runs late or early and when this occurs truncation will occur can occur.

    The Humax HDR-2000T allows repeat timers (as well as series padding) and so we can adjust timers. Youview and some other freeview recorders do not allow this. One up for the Humax freeview boxes.

    This is one of the reasons that I use Humax STBs.

    | Fri 26 Dec 2014 12:02:59 #5 |
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    YouView's rationâle for relying on Accurate Recording, and not offering any manual options, used to be that FTA broadcasters should be pressed to use AR properly. That was in the days when YouView was supposed to be the future for FTA channels. It sort of worked in the case of Five, who were pressed by YouView to pull up their AR socks, and did get much better. By the time UKTV came on board YouView had metamorphosed into its present form as a mainly pay-TV box.

    Much much better to have the options for manual adjustment, as implemented by Humax, Panasonic, and formerly Sony.

    | Fri 26 Dec 2014 12:31:53 #6 |
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    It happens with the Yesterday channel all the time with me. No way of creating a buffer so at the mercy of incomplete program viewings.

    | Sat 3 Jan 2015 14:06:06 #7 |
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    Yesterday does not support AR and can regularly run several minutes late.

    | Sat 3 Jan 2015 14:41:46 #8 |
  9. Barry


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    hubb - 2 hours ago  » 
    It happens with the Yesterday channel all the time with me. No way of creating a buffer so at the mercy of incomplete program viewings.

    Use padding or manual timer(s) as suggested by two forum members.

    | Sat 3 Jan 2015 16:14:42 #9 |
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    What is padding ?

    | Mon 29 Jun 2015 18:33:37 #10 |

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