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Recordings don't appear in Media folder

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    My Foxsat HD PVR has developed a weird problem with recording. It appears to be recording okay but when I look in the media folder the recordings just don't turn up there. Older recordings are listed and play fine.

    The only way I can be sure to record a programme is to press the red 'Record' button while the programme is being transmitted. Then it is recorded and shows up in the 'Media' folder.

    I considered re-formatting the hard drive, but needed to backup some treasured recordings to my connected external USB drive. But I discovered yet another (possibly related) quirk. Using the 'Opt+' file manager, I discovered that the 'Copy' button which should be Green is greyed out and doesn't work.

    Any suggestions for a solution?


    | Sun 14 Oct 2012 17:00:35 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Did you cursor to the usb device icon in the right hand pane and pressing OK to open it. Remember you can connect more than 1 usb device. Now go back left the copy option should now be active. Installing the custom firmware will let you copy recordings directly to a PC using your home network.

    | Sun 14 Oct 2012 17:07:33 #2 |


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    You do not mention the age of your HDR. However I think this could be a hard disk problem - wait a week or so I know raydon has a possible solution in beta.

    | Sun 14 Oct 2012 17:37:27 #3 |
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    Thanks Graham and Repassac.

    I think I did open the USB drive, but I'll try again and see if that changes the button to Green.

    Repassac, thanks very much for that info about some new stuff from raydon. My HDR is about 4 years old. The hard disk is a relatively new 1TB replacement drive. I can't remember the exact name right now but it was to the recommended specifications I read on one of the specialist Humax fora - maybe this one.

    | Sun 14 Oct 2012 19:51:18 #4 |


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    What happens if you connect the DVD direct to the TV (ie bypass the am?>)

    | Sun 14 Oct 2012 20:10:26 #5 |
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    Graham and Repassac.

    Thank you both very much.

    You were right, Graham. I had not realised that I had to 'Open' the USB drive videos folder before selecting a recording to copy. Once I did that the 'copy' button turned Green and I was able to copy a file across.

    And, here's the even better news - after I transferred two files to my USB drive I decided to try a scheduled recording again. This time the recording began as usual, but unlike recently, the file appeared in my 'Media' folder list. This wasn't happening before, unless I recorded something manually off air.

    I'll have to wait until the recording is finished to check out if the problem has been solved, but it seems to have solved it for now. Of course it doesn't solve the question of why the issue arose in the first place. I may have an issue with the hard disk, but that's for another day.

    Right now I'll be happy to be able to schedule a recording and have it show up in 'Media'.

    Thank you both again.

    | Sun 14 Oct 2012 21:14:05 #6 |
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    I have the same strange problem.

    Some items just don't show up in /media/video
    EVen when browsing via Samba, you don't see them but they are on the box and can be played with no issues.
    Eg. I have a folder named 'Other' with 8.5gigs of programmes.
    Browse Media Files states this folder is 8.5 gigs but only has 1.5gigs worth of content when opened. I don't pull files off the box much so it's not a big issue, but does confirm that it's not just a one off.

    Looking at the release history i'm on version V4.0.9

    | Sun 21 Oct 2012 0:04:46 #7 |


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    Do any of the filenames contain special characters? Were any non freesat recordings?
    What does the folder show if you list it in telnet?
    cd /media/Video/Other
    ls -l

    | Sun 21 Oct 2012 6:50:26 #8 |
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    Hi, there were a mix of non freesat and freesat recording as I thought that may be the issue.

    Just to note.. i'm actually on V4.0.8 (didn't notice the new update )

    I dont' have telnet installed but if i Sftp onto it I see all the missing files and those which do not show up on samba do have special characters - A little cross † as the first character.
    Those which do show up in samba do not have the cross.

    An example is here:
    Any programs with the special chars do now appear in samba.
    I'm not sure why they're being introduced, but for me it's not really an issue but i'm sure it's annoying some people out there.

    | Sun 21 Oct 2012 16:03:29 #9 |
  10. grahamlthompson


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    kaito1000 - 2 minutes ago  » 
    Hi, there were a mix of non freesat and freesat recording as I thought that may be the issue.
    Just to note.. i'm actually on V4.0.8 (didn't notice the new update )
    I dont' have telnet installed but if i Sftp onto it I see all the missing files and those which do not show up on samba do have special characters - A little cross † as the first character.
    Those which do show up in samba do not have the cross.

    There's a package to strip these out for you (fixfilenames)

    | Sun 21 Oct 2012 16:07:05 #10 |

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