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Wifi password problems

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    Greetings. Just bought HDR Fox T2 and Humax dongle to be able to use iplayer etc. We are total non techy types so go easy on us... We have an iMac in another room and our wifi network is set up from this via airport connection, enabling us to use our iPad with no problems.
    Tried in vain to configure wifi with the Humax today. With the dongle in the USB, we go from menu,system, Internet setting, configure wifi, network name, selecting my wifi network, security type WEP 64-bit Hex... And then it fails to recognise our password.
    Any suggestions please would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    | Thu 29 Dec 2011 21:24:24 #1 |
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    This particular problem has been resolved folks, thanks.

    | Fri 30 Dec 2011 8:38:29 #2 |
  3. LokiUK


    Joined: Jan '12
    Posts: 19


    I'm having exactly the same problem.

    I bought a Edimax EW7711USn dongle after reading a thread elsewhere about compatible wifi dongles.

    The dongle seems to work, and I can find my wifi network, but it will NOT accept the password! I don't real want to change the password as I have 9 other things configured with it.

    Any advice?

    EDIT: password isn't ridiculously long, and doesn't contain any weird symbols or spaces. I tried adding some numbers to the end, and it still didn't work.

    My router is set up to manually assign Mac addresses, but presumably this wouldn't stop the Hummy connecting to the network, it'd just stop it connecting to anything else. I've actually managed to enter in the correct DNS/IP settings into the Hummy's Network settings anyway, so it should be ok.

    Also, I'm using the MAC address on the underside of the dongle, I presume that's correct?

    | Thu 26 Jan 2012 21:35:44 #3 |
  4. FenderBender


    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 981


    The MAC address of your unit is in the System Information menu. Configure your router to allow that one.

    If you still have trouble, try entering the password in ASCII rather than HEX.

    | Thu 26 Jan 2012 22:25:12 #4 |
  5. LokiUK


    Joined: Jan '12
    Posts: 19


    Hmm. I did initially try the MAC address in the System Information, but then read elsewhere that you needed to use the MAC address of the dongle itself!

    The security type is WPA-2PSK (and identified as such by the Hummy) so it's not a HEX anyway.

    EDIT: just to double-check, I turned all security off on the Wifi network, and it still connected! So it IS to do with the security password...

    2nd EDIT: just spent a happy few hours cycling through all the possibly security protocols available from my router. None of them work, even WEP. Tried different passwords.. no joy.

    My unfortunate conclusion is that the Hummy cannot handle connecting to secured networks

    | Thu 26 Jan 2012 22:35:21 #5 |
  6. Barry


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    HD T2 connected via WiFi using Humax dongle connects to my secure network.

    | Fri 27 Jan 2012 18:34:49 #6 |
  7. LokiUK


    Joined: Jan '12
    Posts: 19


    Lucky you, Barry! Do you think it is my Humax box that might be defective then? Reading around the internet, it seems I'm not the only one who's struggling with this.

    One of the main reasons for upgrading was to be able to use iPlayer

    Interestingly, when I disable my wifi security, the Humax still gives me an error message on connect, but then shows as being connected to a network on the Internet Setting page, with a Speed of 135 Mbps! I also get an error when trying to launch TV Portal

    "An error occurred whilst launching application"

    I'm beginning to think there might be something wrong with my particular Hummy...

    Any help that ANYONE can give would be gratefully received!


    | Fri 27 Jan 2012 18:41:30 #7 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    LokiUK - 29 minutes ago  » 
    Any help that ANYONE can give would be gratefully received!

    A starting point would be to tell us the make and model of the router. I think it is much more likely that there is a configuration issue somewhere rather than the Humax being faulty.

    | Fri 27 Jan 2012 19:13:22 #8 |
  9. LokiUK


    Joined: Jan '12
    Posts: 19


    Hi Martin,

    Of course.

    The router is a Bipac Billion 7800N, using (by default) WPA2 wifi security protocol. The dongle is the Edimax EW-&&11UsN.

    My network consists of 11 devices, including Macs, iPhones, printers and they all connect to the network with no issues, apart from the Hummy.

    I have tried changing the router from standard WPA2 to WPA and even WEP and changed the password to a word without number or symbols. In every case I get the same error.

    "Connection Failed. Check your settings and try again"

    I should point out I have a strong, full bar signal.

    If I disable Wifi security altogether, then it connects and I can subsequently access the WiFi network settings (I have manual DNS setting for my network). Obviously though I can't just leave my network unsecured!


    | Wed 1 Feb 2012 18:45:02 #9 |
  10. LokiUK


    Joined: Jan '12
    Posts: 19


    Update: Humax support actually got back to me and said they'd had another report of problems with this router and would test it "in the future"

    So looks like I need to look into the alternative of power line ethernet or something.

    | Mon 6 Feb 2012 0:00:24 #10 |

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