My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR FOX T2

Auto Search not getting all available channels

(18 posts)
  1. Jasper


    Joined: Oct '12
    Posts: 23


    I did have the aerial cable split with a Y connector with one going to the Tv the other to the Humax.
    So I connected the Humnax directly to the socket in the wall and all the sations tuned in.
    Now I get some of them pixelated from time to time. C5 and Film 4 but also the HD channels too although less frequently. I did not have this when I could only get some of the channels and the aerial cable was split.

    This is really annoying as the TV, the old Humax and the kitchen Tv all get all the channels all the time with no pixelation.

    As far as the signal strength I get 100% for Quality and about 30% to 50% (max) for strength.

    I cannot understand why the Fox T2 apparently needs a stronger single strength to work tham my £900 Samsung HD TV does.

    | Mon 5 Nov 2012 9:34:41 #11 |
  2. Jasper


    Joined: Oct '12
    Posts: 23


    Just read a post about a splitter.
    I too have an aerial spilter in my loft.
    I didnt have any instructions for it. I just thought it was a one in four out type of junction box.

    As we only use two of the outlets anyway, should I unplug the other two?

    I have no idea if it needs power.
    It is not connected to the mains.
    I have never had to set any appliance to power it and didnt know I could until I saw the Fox T2 has an aerial power on/off 5v.
    Do I need to set this to on?

    | Mon 5 Nov 2012 9:41:24 #12 |
  3. Jasper


    Joined: Oct '12
    Posts: 23


    Update (2)
    I disconnected the cables in my splitter in the loft and now have just the Lounge and Kirchen connected. It is a nopowered Back plate type splitter with aerial coaxial cables screwed in.

    The picture is still pixellated from time to time on the Fox T2.
    But it seesm the HD channels are OK.

    The picture is perfect ALL THE TIME on both my old Humax 9200T and my Samsung HD TV.

    This is clearly a problem with the Humax Fox T2, not my reception as why do the other Humax and TVs all work fine all the time!

    I tried setting the 5v Antenna Power setting and it said that my transmitter was being short circuited so I turned it back to off.

    I am RREALLY fed up with this piece of Humax crap. If I cant get it to work it is going back on Monday!

    Now a week since I e mailed Humax and no reply!
    Great customer "service"

    | Tue 6 Nov 2012 9:32:51 #13 |
  4. Jasper


    Joined: Oct '12
    Posts: 23


    Gave up and called Humax 0844 number!
    They sent me an email telling me how to manually tune. Quite different from the instructions in tne manual.

    The numbers for the channels in Manual Tuning are not the actual station numbers!
    You need to perform it five times to get the stations manually:
    1) Tune Channel use number 24
    2) Tune Channel use number 27
    3) Tune Channel use number 25
    4) Tune Channel use number 22
    5) Tune Channel use number 28
    All using the DVB-T
    Then do it again but this time set the tuner to DVB-T2 to get the four HD channels. using number 21.

    Before doing manual tuning, when you get the retune Now/Later message, say yes then stop it and dont save the channels. Then start the manual tune and the message wont appear again.

    | Tue 6 Nov 2012 11:36:53 #14 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Jasper - 7 minutes ago  » 
    The numbers for the channels in Manual Tuning are not the actual station numbers!

    I pointed you to my manual tuning instructions in post two of this thread. Can you explain why having read those instructions you thought you needed to input the station numbers? (Genuine question so that I can see if I can improve the instructions.) Also we could have diagnosed your problem quicker if you had responded to my request for information in post 9 of this thread.

    You need to perform it five times to get the stations manually:
    1) Tune Channel use number 24
    2) Tune Channel use number 27
    3) Tune Channel use number 25
    4) Tune Channel use number 22
    5) Tune Channel use number 28
    All using the DVB-T
    Then do it again but this time set the tuner to DVB-T2 to get the four HD channels. using number 21.

    For clarity, the mux channel numbers you have quoted apply to your location but not to anybody living elsewhere in the country.

    | Tue 6 Nov 2012 11:49:01 #15 |
  6. Jasper


    Joined: Oct '12
    Posts: 23


    Martin Liddle - 1 day ago  » 

    Jasper - 7 minutes ago  » 
    The numbers for the channels in Manual Tuning are not the actual station numbers!

    I pointed you to my manual tuning instructions in post two of this thread. Can you explain why having read those instructions you thought you needed to input the station numbers? (Genuine question so that I can see if I can improve the instructions.) Also we could have diagnosed your problem quicker if you had responded to my request for information in post 9 of this thread.

    You need to perform it five times to get the stations manually:
    1) Tune Channel use number 24
    2) Tune Channel use number 27
    3) Tune Channel use number 25
    4) Tune Channel use number 22
    5) Tune Channel use number 28
    All using the DVB-T
    Then do it again but this time set the tuner to DVB-T2 to get the four HD channels. using number 21.

    For clarity, the mux channel numbers you have quoted apply to your location but not to anybody living elsewhere in the country.

    Perhaps it has something to do with the word "CHANNEL" in this:
    "5. Select Manual search. In the Channel field press right arrow, scroll up or down and select the first channel number from your list. In the Transmission field leave it on the default DVB-T for all channels except the HD channel; for the HD channel it must be changed to DVB-T2. Press Search. This should find a number of channel names. Save the results."

    | Thu 8 Nov 2012 7:38:01 #16 |
  7. Jasper


    Joined: Oct '12
    Posts: 23


    Called HUMAX for the THIRD TIME and said it was still pixellating the channels. I also said the back right of the box got quite hot too. I was told to take the Humax Fox T2 back to the shop an exchange it for another one.

    I took it back to John Lewis who said they needed to "check it" before they could agree to a replacement! Obviously the bloody thing behaved itself whilst being checked in the shop by John Lewis!

    Finally when I INSISTED that I wanted a replacement and I could not care less what they thought, they agreed, even thouigh they continued to blame my signal strength. (Mine was 67% John Lewis 74%, Humax say in the manual above 30% should be OK)

    It was only while the paperwotrk ewas being done that a young assistant said it was strange as they had someone else bring back their Humax with exactly the same fault just the day before!

    So the moral is:
    If your Humax isn't working as it should be, call the Humax helpline. If it still doesn't work TAKE IT BACK!

    Final note: the replacement has a badly scratched remote control so that is going back today so I can swap it for my previous one!

    | Thu 8 Nov 2012 7:46:35 #17 |
  8. Biggles


    special member
    Joined: Apr '11
    Posts: 613


    So is the second box working any better than the first? If the second box is working ok do you think it is because you've now tuned it correctly or that there really was something wrong with the first box. As the first box worked ok for John Lewis I'm guessing that the problem was your confusion over the word CHANNEL.

    | Thu 8 Nov 2012 11:35:35 #18 |

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