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I am confused between the HDR 2000T & HDR Fox T2

(16 posts)
  1. mickiow


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    Hi all,
    Is the HDR 2000T a replacement for the HDR Fox T2?
    What hoes the HDR 2000T do that the HDR Fox T2 doesn't?
    Are they both for Freeview?


    | Wed 26 Mar 2014 15:11:33 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    In a word yes it is now the replacement for HDR T2

    HDR 2000T in comparison to HDR T2

    IPTV channels work.
    Supports NTFS HDD
    More memory on board, so noticeably quicker scrolling in EPG and using the Portal.

    No RF loop thru' at present but engineers working on a fix hopefully.
    No front display.

    | Wed 26 Mar 2014 15:22:11 #2 |
  3. ezra pound

    ezra pound

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    Mick: There is a comparison of the two units HERE
    Barry : That sounds promising, I was thinking that maybe the 2000T had a hardware set-up that would not allow RF Loop though

    | Wed 26 Mar 2014 16:27:05 #3 |
  4. Barry


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    Looks like you have to be a member to view the image in link, so cannot comment on it.

    | Wed 26 Mar 2014 16:40:46 #4 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    Hope Ezra doesn't mind


    1. HDRFOXT2.jpg (192.6 KB, 17 downloads) 10 years old
    | Wed 26 Mar 2014 16:46:20 #5 |
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    Owen Smith

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    The HDR 2000T has too many missing features for me to consider it a replacement for the HDR Fox T2. It is a substantially inferior product and I regard it as the cheaper model. It's a shame there is no true replacement for the HDR Fox T2.

    | Wed 26 Mar 2014 18:44:12 #6 |
  7. athomson


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    The reduced power consuption and IPTV are great but I would like to see some othe issues like passthrough and bookmarks addressed before I replace my T2. I hope there is news about these and other apparent steps back being addressed soon.


    | Thu 27 Mar 2014 18:40:27 #7 |
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    Owen Smith

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    I'd like to see the 2000T less shabbily built. An external power supply puts me right off for equipment in my AV rack. Also the lack of HD streaming to another box is a serious omission for my parents, who do exactly that using an HDR Fox T2 streaming to HD Fox T2.

    The lack of RF passthrough is a complete showstopper for every single installation I've seen of an HDR Fox T2. My parents and Aunt both use pass through to their respective TVs so that they can watch anything on the TV regardless of what their HDR Fox T2 is recording across any two muxes. What were Humax thinking omitting RF pass through? It beggars belief.

    | Thu 27 Mar 2014 19:26:08 #8 |
  9. Barry


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    No RF loop thru' at present but engineers working on a fix hopefully.

    Reliably informed that a fix has been engineered to the loopthru issue.

    | Tue 1 Apr 2014 12:27:31 #9 |
  10. athomson


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    That's good. I hope a few of the other issues can be addressed like bookmarks and maybe an power switch on the back of the unit. That would make it a good replacement for the HDR T2.


    | Tue 1 Apr 2014 13:03:47 #10 |

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