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1010 console display

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    Unique listener

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    The display on the 1010 is all but useless when playing back a recording. It simply scrolls the title of the recording ad nauseam. After an hour of a movie it is still telling you what you are watching. The Foxsat gives a reduced title and the running time which is very helpful.
    I have brought this niggle to the attention of Humax whose response was basically that they would not be making any changes to that feature. It makes me wonder if it is worth providing feedback to a company that ignores it's customers. How many program updates have there been this year? Only 1 that I know of.
    I shall be very cautious about any future purchases of new machines, of which I have eight to date.

    Thank you

    | Wed 13 Nov 2013 17:56:05 #1 |
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    Unique listener

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    The above post concerns the freesat recorder.

    Admin Edit: Moved to correct area.

    | Wed 13 Nov 2013 18:06:15 #2 |


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    Unique listener - 40 minutes ago  » 
    The display on the 1010 is all but useless when playing back a recording. It simply scrolls the title of the recording ad nauseam. After an hour of a movie it is still telling you what you are watching. The Foxsat gives a reduced title and the running time which is very helpful.
    I have brought this niggle to the attention of Humax whose response was basically that they would not be making any changes to that feature. It makes me wonder if it is worth providing feedback to a company that ignores it's customers. How many program updates have there been this year? Only 1 that I know of.
    I shall be very cautious about any future purchases of new machines, of which I have eight to date.
    Thank you

    The UI is specified by freesat, I believe.

    | Wed 13 Nov 2013 18:37:20 #3 |
  4. -gonzo-


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    Unique listener - 54 minutes ago  » 
    The display on the 1010 is all but useless when playing back a recording. It simply scrolls the title of the recording ad nauseam. After an hour of a movie it is still telling you what you are watching. The Foxsat gives a reduced title and the running time which is very helpful.
    I have brought this niggle to the attention of Humax whose response was basically that they would not be making any changes to that feature. It makes me wonder if it is worth providing feedback to a company that ignores it's customers. How many program updates have there been this year? Only 1 that I know of.
    I shall be very cautious about any future purchases of new machines, of which I have eight to date.
    Thank you

    Try looking at the TV screen instead of the box
    As Repassac says, UI is down to Freesat specs and nowt to do with Humax.

    | Wed 13 Nov 2013 18:53:57 #4 |
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    Surely if you want the running time when watching a recording you press the "i" key on the R/C.

    | Wed 13 Nov 2013 20:56:48 #5 |
  6. Barry


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    I just press the OK button - elapsed and remaining time displayed for 5 seconds....easy

    | Wed 13 Nov 2013 21:11:34 #6 |
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    Unique listener

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    Well Gonzo, you suggest looking at the screen, and I appreciate the humour, but why bother with a console at all. I notice that the latest Humax has no display at all. I was just saying that the constant repetitive scrolling in the corner of the eye is detractive and totally unnecessary.


    | Wed 13 Nov 2013 22:55:13 #7 |
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    Unique listener - 15 minutes ago  » 
    Well Gonzo, you suggest looking at the screen, and I appreciate the humour, but why bother with a console at all. I notice that the latest Humax has no display at all. I was just saying that the constant repetitive scrolling in the corner of the eye is detractive and totally unnecessary.

    I agree. It is completely pointless and distracting. It would be an improvement if the display scrolled for a set amount of times and then stopped.

    Ideally I would like an option in the GUI to turn off the front display completely. There is nothing useful in it bar maybe the little REC icon. However as you say I believe this is unlikely to happen.

    | Wed 13 Nov 2013 23:16:24 #8 |
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    On my old Humax I put a dark blue film over the display which dimmed it down enough so as not to distract ones eyes yet sufficient to still read it.

    | Thu 14 Nov 2013 7:57:48 #9 |
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    My 1000S is seated at the bottom of the TV rack so the scrolling display is hardly visible and never intrusive. However, that position introduces a new problem, the red power light is impossible to see without lying outstretched on the floor. So switching out of standby is guesswork (you can of course remember to use the zero (0) key, if you can discipline yourself to using that instead of the power key).
    A triumph of style over substance.

    | Thu 14 Nov 2013 11:33:28 #10 |

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