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1TB Upgrade gone wrong!!

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    I recently upgraded my Foxsat HDR to a 1TB Western Digital WD10EURS WD AV-GP Hard drive. All was fine, when I turned the box on it formatted and partitioned, I then transferred all recordings from my 320GB hard drive using a USB cradle. Everything was working fine including all recordings until this morning!! I get a message on screen now asking me to format the hard drive as it is no longer formatted. It appears that I have lost all of the recordings that have been transferred! The machine will not format itself - the message on screen is 'HDD is not formatted. Formatting will start. Yes' - I have pressed 'yes' and nothing happens! Any suggestions or help - have a very upset 5 year old with lost recordings!!!

    | Sun 3 Jun 2012 11:49:37 #1 |
  2. simoncroft


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    Although I'm afraid I can't give you any advice from the Foxsat OS perspective, I had a very similar problem with the same make/model drive, which I reformatted to Apple Mac. The day I did it, all fine. Next time I rebooted, 'this is not a recognised format, blah blah'.
    Assuming you still have your recordings on the original drive, I'd be very tempted to start the whole process again with a fresh hard drive of a different brand. On the other hand, if you're looking at recovering the data from the Western Digital drive, I'm sorry to say you could be on a long, frustrating journey.

    | Mon 4 Jun 2012 0:01:02 #2 |
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    Do you still have the original 320gb drive with the recordings?
    If so then I'd advise the same as SimonCroft

    There are a number of possibilities as to what happened. How long is recent? and has the foxsat been rebooted more than once in that time or just once before you saw the HDD message. On a new drive the OS needs to write the geometry to the disk and then the system normally needs a reboot for the OS to use the new geometry, There are ways around this, however it's safer to reboot.
    Also, I've upgraded drives and the formatting took so long that I broke off the process and restarted it before realising that it took so long.

    If you still have the 320gb drive with recordings, then format the WD drive and make sure it completes, reboot the foxsat, record a few minutes and playback, reboot, check the recording is still there and if you get no errors then copy the 320gb files over again.

    There are a ton of things you can try with linux and rescue systems to check the drive's own diagnostics as well as checking the geometry and filesystem, but that's well out of the realms of simple and easy support.
    If you don't have the original 320gb with recordings then as Simon says, you could be on a long and frustrating journey.

    | Mon 4 Jun 2012 7:16:47 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    First thing to do is make sure the hdd connections are firmly inserted. Try removing them and replacing firmly.

    | Mon 4 Jun 2012 15:17:42 #4 |
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    Thanks for suggestions im back to using the 320gb drive and all is working, dont ask about the 320gb recordings!!!!
    am i right in thinking once you fit the new drive and the humax has formated itself you then need to turn off and re-boot again because i didnt!didnt see that in any of the upgrade guides. It was working for 24 hours fine, recording new programs and play back of all transferd films.Turned on in the morning and it wanted to format it self but it cant,just hangs in boot up,if i put the 1tb in a usb cradle it wants me to format it using a pc.Is there anyway of making my hard drive like new again so my humax will format it by its self(dont want to and cant do the the Linux thing).There is a possibilty the drive is shot trying to check it using WD lifguard diognostics.

    | Mon 4 Jun 2012 16:29:36 #5 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    cjb450 - 2 minutes ago  » 
    Turned on in the morning and it wanted to format it self but it cant,just hangs in boot up,if i put the 1tb in a usb cradle it wants me to format it using a pc.

    I would guess that Linux has detected a problem with the file system and mounted it read only.

    Is there anyway of making my hard drive like new again so my humax will format it by its self(dont want to and cant do the the Linux thing).

    Attach it to a PC and let Windows format it. The Humax will then reformfat it.

    | Mon 4 Jun 2012 16:35:22 #6 |
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    Thanks Martin i have got minitool partition wizzard and it can format the drive but i have some options im not too sure about.The drive is shown as two partitions one at 929.50gb file system EXT3 and the other 2.01gb file system EXT3 do i format each partition or wipe partition if i format i have option of file system FAT16,FAT32,NFTS,EXT2,EXT3,EXT4,or Linux swap?

    | Mon 4 Jun 2012 17:01:33 #7 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    I would be tempted to wipe everything and format a single FAT32 partition. It doesn't matter much as the Humax will wipe it and start again.

    | Mon 4 Jun 2012 18:00:14 #8 |
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    Well ive wiped it and formatted it put it back into Humax box and stll the same boots up ,Humax start screen,"Hard drive not formatted" formatting will start yes,press ok then screen blank and hangs in boot forever?Goto menu and try to format that way and the same format video/radio enter password ok then blank screen and boot forever then back to HDD not formatted!!!

    | Mon 4 Jun 2012 18:41:37 #9 |
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    Well i dont remember what or how i did it ! ive tried so many different things/ways but with your help, Western Digital Diognostics Life Guard and Minitools Partition Wizzard its all up and running with 1tb it eventually formatted its self !!!!ive lost all old recordings but im past caring about that now ! thank you all for you help, i was beginning to lose the will to live!!!i can now remove and refit a hard drive in a Humax box blindfolded .

    | Mon 4 Jun 2012 19:49:40 #10 |

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