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2 identical boxes, LNB1 failure & a LNB2 failure

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    Hi, new to the forum but have had a good search, so apologies if I've missed an answer to this! But found some great advice so far.

    OK, we have 2 identical Humax Freesat HDR 500gb boxes. Each had 2 aerial lines inputting. Signal strength and quality on both boxes was 90%-100%.

    A while back, one box (Box A) would not record a program while watching another channel, and on investigation, it looked like it wasn't receiving the LNB2 signal. Tried:
    - factory reset
    - unplugging the hard drive, factory reset, then re-plugging hard drive back, reset
    - thoroughly checked F connectors
    - checked the cabling with plugging it into our other box (Box B) where both signals were being received
    - no success. Looked at the circuit board, and eased the LNB2 (the plug that the F type screws into on the back of the Freesat box) cover up and there was some corrosion at the base of the plug, but the board looked clean

    So just continued using it as a one channel player only.

    Now the other box (Box B) lost its ability to record one channel and watch another. So:
    - checked diagnostics and Tuner 2 100% signal, Tuner 1 at zero
    - checked cabling and both cables are giving 100%
    - checked F connectors, all good
    - tried a factory reset but it doesn't detect any signal / postcode / manual tune etc ... guessing Tuner 1 is receiving no signal
    - eased cover away from the LNB 1 and it had some corrosion, but board looked clean

    So really confused or is this just a common thing that the boxes LNB connectors fail. Any suggestions of what to do as Mrs A is grumpy at losing one box and only having one channel on the other one.

    Any help would be really welcome. Many thanks

    | Wed 16 Oct 2019 10:36:48 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    If you are seeing corrosion, have you carefully checked that water isn't getting into the cables? Water getting into the tuners will destroy them but otherwise I don't think tuner failures are common.

    | Wed 16 Oct 2019 11:38:52 #2 |
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    Hi Martin, thanks. I was surprised at seeing a little corrosion, esp as it was specifically in a defined area. All 4 cables are giving 90-100% signal quality and strength. That said, one cable around the F connector was rather dull, so early corrosion maybe.

    | Wed 16 Oct 2019 11:45:30 #3 |

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