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2000T Hard Drive Replacement

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    junior member
    Joined: Nov '17
    Posts: 9


    Hi. I would like to change the hard drive in my 2000T. What is the best one to get and is it and easy job?

    | Sun 20 May 2018 11:31:46 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Barbarian200 - 1 hour ago  » 
    I would like to change the hard drive in my 2000T. What is the best one to get and is it and easy job?

    As with all things it depends on your level of experience but if you are familiar with changing hard drives in computers it is very straightforward. Disconnect from mains, take off the lid; disconnect the cables to the drive, take the carrier and drive out, take old drive out of the carrier (there is more than type of carrier), fit the new drive and replace the carrier, connect the cables, replace lid and turn on the power and the box will ask to format the drive. Job done.

    As for hard drive type you should select one designed for PVR usage; I suggest a Seagate drive either 1 TB drive or 2 TB drive. I have the 2TB drive fitted to an HDR-FOX T2 and it coming up to 24,000 power on hours with zero problems (I use the custom firmware to keep an eye on the SMART data so I am confident about that statement).

    | Sun 20 May 2018 13:12:05 #2 |
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    junior member
    Joined: Nov '17
    Posts: 9


    Thank you Martin for your help.

    | Mon 21 May 2018 7:29:53 #3 |

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