I've recently purchased a 2000T to complement the 9300T and Foxsat HDR which are in another room. After my experience with the HDR I wasn't surprised that the UI of the 2000T is different yet again. Why Humax doesn't save costs and customer hassle by using the same UI for all its PVRs escapes me but anyway...
Deleting a recorded program on the 2000T is difficult: firstly, unlike on the 9300T and Foxsat one can't delete a program which is playing. The problem this causes is that it's impossible to be sure that the program one is about to delete is the intended one i.e. the one just watched. Compare the Foxsat, where the program being played has a green arrow in the guide and therefore it's easy to be sure of deleting the right one. Is there a method similar to this on the 2000T?
The Foxsat automatically deletes folders when the last file is deleted; the 2000T doesn't, thus cluttering up the media list with empty folders. Fortunately, unlike the Foxsat, it is possible to delete the folders manually but is there a way to have the 2000T do it automatically?
I didn't buy the 2000T for its network capability as I already have iPlayer on the TV and Foxsat and the customer firmware on the Foxsat. However, I see that on the 2000T to access any network feature - including iPlayer - one has to sign up for a Humax account and in doing so agree that Humax can monitor all your activity: what you watch, what you record etc. This is an appallling invasion of privacy and so I won't be connecting the 2000T to my network.