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2000T wont play usb movie in correct aspect

(6 posts)
  1. black knight

    black knight

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    Have got a widescreen movie I'm trying to view through the box, but it wont use the correct aspect ratio and just changes it to 16:9 instead. Obviously this makes people looked tall and stretched as the black bars are not there.

    I've think I've tried every setting on the box and even tried changing the aspect on the tv, but to no avail!

    Anyone know how to get 3rd party film files to show correctly?

    It will show correctly when plugged directly into the tv and played back, but I'd like to have the extra options available when viewing through the Humax box.

    | Sat 14 Mar 2015 11:18:56 #1 |
  2. Gort


    Joined: Feb '15
    Posts: 10


    Yeah, that's a silly problem with the box. However, a way to get round it is to change your aspect ratio to 4:3 and then use the Wide button to change it to 16:9 Letterbox (or when changing the aspect ratio, go to the setting below on that page and change that). That's an inconvenient workaround that seems odd, but it works for me.

    Obviously, not as if you won't eventually notice, but once the film has finished, put it back how you originally liked it.

    | Sat 14 Mar 2015 13:44:34 #2 |
  3. black knight

    black knight

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    That seems to work pretty well. Thanks.

    | Mon 16 Mar 2015 10:23:57 #3 |
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    Victor Delta

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    Gort - 2 months ago  » 
    Yeah, that's a silly problem with the box. However, a way to get round it is to change your aspect ratio to 4:3 and then use the Wide button to change it to 16:9 Letterbox (or when changing the aspect ratio, go to the setting below on that page and change that). That's an inconvenient workaround that seems odd, but it works for me.

    I have the same problem but haven't been able to make this solution work.

    Where is the 'wide' button? And when it says 'go to the setting below on that page and change that', change it to what? Sorry if I'm being dense!

    | Sun 24 May 2015 21:55:06 #4 |
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    No, you are not being dense. The HDR-2000T's standard remote does not have a Wide button.

    Instead its
    MENU > Preferences > Video > Screen Ratio - change the screen ratio to 4:3.
    Then underneath the Screen Ratio option is Display Format. Change the Display Format to Letterbox 16:9

    | Mon 25 May 2015 7:57:22 #5 |
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    Victor Delta

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    Thanks Luke, that works fine now. I think the mistake I was making was trying to do it while the usb file was playing, rather than beforehand.

    | Tue 26 May 2015 9:49:45 #6 |

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