My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR 1800T, 2000T

2000T won't play Youtube files on analogue TV

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    I moved a Humax 2000T on to my analogue TV as my old PVR failed. I get good wifi connection and can access YouTube but no video file will play as it is in an 'unsupported video format'.

    BBC iPlayer is fine.

    Could someone explain this issue please?



    | Fri 19 Dec 2014 13:13:14 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    It's a coincidence. I get the same on both my HDMI connected HDR FOX T2's. It works OK on a HDR1000S.

    Presumably it's a portal issue.

    Welcome to our forum.

    Hopefully Barry will be able to replicate and report the issue to the appropriate place

    | Fri 19 Dec 2014 13:28:08 #2 |
  3. Barry


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    I'll add my welcome to our Forum

    Affecting all T2 products it appears - message passed to Humax Towers.

    | Fri 19 Dec 2014 14:10:11 #3 |
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    I am glad that I have found this forum and heartened that I am having the same problem as others. The YouTube on my HDR-2000 portal worked fine until I tried it today and at will not play any videos at all due to the "unsupported video format"

    | Fri 19 Dec 2014 17:03:47 #4 |
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    Thanks for the welcome and what seems to be a coincidental error with the YouTube files and 2000T. I'll be interested in the outcome.

    I'm new to this forum but folks will find me in other AV forums and techy IT ones, too.

    I wrote the instructions, as well as tested and found the software for flashing the Vestel chips via laptop and serial interface on Digihome, and other, PVRs when they wouldn't upgrade to include certain muxes.

    One issue I haven't resolved is that although I can get the Humax handset to control my analogue Panasonic TV, there is no equivalent of the AV/TV button and the TV always switches on as analogue.

    The scart cables I use are fully pinned but even with the Humax turned on the auto switching fails to work and I have to use the old TV handset to select AV inputs!?

    Any thoughts, please?



    | Fri 19 Dec 2014 22:28:31 #5 |
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    All day I have been getting the same invalid file format messages when I try to play youtbe which now makes it as useless as it's search tool.

    | Fri 19 Dec 2014 23:01:40 #6 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    Not having the same box or the same remote can only offer some generic advice.

    Since the Foxsat-HDR launch in 2008, all Humax remotes have been able to control all Freesat and Freeview boxes. They are able to use multiple remote channels (see the faq's.

    However the original remotes had the capability to control up to 3 extra items other than the pvr. This generated a huge number of customer support queries after the users has inadvertently pressed the white button to select the source of the ir command destination, despite the white button flashing red to indicate the device the ir command was intended for. This resulted in Humax eventually providing IR remotes for only the device the remote was supplied with (the multi humax control channel was retained).

    Apart from the remote supplied with the HDR1000s which originally had no capability to control anything else, the Foxsat-HDR and HDR FOX-T2 remotes have TV control and a source button to control TV input selection.

    A earlier Humax or a universal remote should allow you to select the correct input.

    However based on later Panasonic TV's, the few that I have experienced are capable of selecting the last used AV input rather than the TV tuner on boot.

    Not sure why auto scart selection doesn't work. It should do so. Scart connections are very unreliable. Check the plugs are firmly inserted, they are so easily displaced especially with large diameter so called high quality scart cables.

    | Fri 19 Dec 2014 23:16:44 #7 |
  8. Barry


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    Appears to be working again on a HDR T2, have not checked 1800 or 2000T as yet.

    Edit: 1800 and 2000T appear to be ok as well - caveat, only tried a few 'most popular' streams.

    | Sat 20 Dec 2014 9:43:59 #8 |
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    Thanks Barry.

    | Sat 20 Dec 2014 11:00:57 #9 |
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    Last night still wouldn't play. This morning it again won't play, no message, just endless rotating white circular arrow.

    | Sun 21 Dec 2014 11:41:16 #10 |

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