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4000T not receiving remote signals from a working

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    Joined: Dec '16
    Posts: 13


    Remote control is working properly on my original 4000t but will not work on a second hand replacement 4000t. Is the remote control receiver faulty/testable/replaceable

    | Sun 2 Jun 2024 17:34:58 #1 |
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    heath5372 - 3 hours ago  » 
    Remote control is working properly on my original 4000t but will not work on a second hand replacement 4000t. Is the remote control receiver faulty/testable/replaceable

    Do you mean that the same remote will not work on both or that a second remote that came with the other 4000t is not working? if the first then could it be that the other 4000t has been reset? see here to see what I mean.

    | Sun 2 Jun 2024 21:25:52 #2 |
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    I have two working remotes and two 4000t Humax boxes one of which works with both remotes. The other Humax box works on its own buttons but will not react to either of the remotes????

    | Mon 3 Jun 2024 17:36:56 #3 |
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    heath5372 - 1 hour ago  » 
    I have two working remotes and two 4000t Humax boxes one of which works with both remotes. The other Humax box works on its own buttons but will not react to either of the remotes????

    Is that after setting the new HDR to mode 1 as per the instructions that trog yesterday supplied a link?

    | Mon 3 Jun 2024 19:29:23 #4 |
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    Joined: Dec '16
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    Yes-also i only had 1 HDR wired in at a time. In fact I disconnected my original working HDR and replaced it directly with the new HDR which wouldnt react to either remotes

    | Tue 4 Jun 2024 7:30:40 #5 |

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