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4000T Whining noise in morning

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    Mr Moley

    Joined: Dec '15
    Posts: 24


    Since the recent update in the mornings have noticed whining noise from machine. Have checked machine which is not warm or in motion. What is happening. Internet Hub is "on" 24/7. Had no problems before!

    | Wed 21 Dec 2016 8:34:51 #1 |
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    Joined: May '16
    Posts: 45


    Place your hand on the 4000, can you feel a slight vibration, if so, it's probably the Hard Disk continually running after software update ?

    (ie: Live Pause)

    Try turning off Internet hub / unplugging cable.

    Worst case, your Hard Disk is failing !!

    | Wed 21 Dec 2016 9:05:12 #2 |
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    special member
    Joined: Oct '15
    Posts: 215


    Hi Mr Moley

    This sometimes is common with the 4000T, it turns the hard drive on between 4 and 5 am to check for updates and stays on for about an hour. If the hard drive don't turn off by late morning, then take it out of standby then but it back into standby if you want to.
    Or just turn off the 4000T at the mains for a couple of minutes, you do not need to turn the hub off if it still connects to the internet OK, It nothing to with the hub unless you have got a faulty hub.
    I have the 4000T and mine sometimes does the same, it is not faulty it sometime just forgets to switch off due to software glitch.

    | Wed 21 Dec 2016 12:42:01 #3 |
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    special member
    Joined: Mar '17
    Posts: 359


    Mine started whilstling whenever it was in standby (no HDD running) after the last update. The only way I can get it to stop is to activate the power saving in standby mode so it goes into ultra low power mode.

    As soon as I press the standby I hear the whisle briefly before it goes into its start up routine.

    Funny thing is I haven't noticed it taking any longer to display the picture even though its in low power mode.

    | Mon 6 Mar 2017 15:31:20 #4 |

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