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5000T Recording Failing

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    I've had this problem occurring for a while now, and it's not power outage or signal loss.
    At first, I thought it's the Hard Drive failing, which I think is the case anyway, so i've installed a brand new HD.
    Guess what, the first two recordings have both failed. The recording shows the programme, a broken recording symbol, and the time it started, followed by the same time. Normally, for a half-hour programme it'd be 18:00 - 18:30. The failed recordings show 18:00 - 18:00
    I've retuned, i've check the new disk, and it's fine.

    Any ideas?

    | Tue 17 Oct 2023 18:24:38 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    poshsimon - 1 hour ago  » 
    I've retuned, i've check the new disk, and it's fine.

    Did you have the smart tune option off when you retuned? If not, try again with it off.

    | Tue 17 Oct 2023 20:06:57 #2 |
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    Did you have the smart tune option off when you retuned?

    I've tried both, and no luck. Every recording is failing.
    I thought I'd try formatting the disk, but it won't format because it says "a recording is about to start" FYI, there are no recordings set.
    I might have to try a factory reset, if there is such a thing.

    | Tue 17 Oct 2023 22:06:49 #3 |
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    There is a factory reset:
    [F]/Settings/System Settings/Factory Default
    If you want to format the HDD at the same time there is an option listed.

    Did/does the failed recording only occur on one channel? If so, which one? Does only one time cause a problem? If you set the recording manually (like with a VCR!) does that work?

    | Wed 18 Oct 2023 7:27:49 #4 |
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    Thanks, I've just hit the factory reset option with the hope of success.

    It happens on all/any channel, and the same for instant record.

    I'll report back when factory reset completed.

    | Wed 18 Oct 2023 8:38:42 #5 |
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    I've tried recording a show and, oh dear: "Cannot support this video file format due to invalid file format."

    | Wed 18 Oct 2023 9:35:37 #6 |
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    I meant to add, but can't see an edit on my post: That's what I get when I try to play back the broken recording.

    | Wed 18 Oct 2023 11:48:29 #7 |
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    Adding: I can confirm that it's not recording anything, from any channel, SD or HD, on the new disk, or the old disk. BTW, I did check the disk is correctly seated and engaged, and while on that, I checked for other mechanical problems: None seen.

    I did manage to access some of the old recording from the old disk via my Linux computer, so i've moved a few of those off that old disk onto another USB hard drive as a test. I've plugged that into the FVP5000T and all are accessible.

    Clearly, this FVP5000T has some kind of hardware or software issue.

    | Wed 18 Oct 2023 19:49:20 #8 |

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