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5000t switching itself on

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    Has anyone else experienced their 5000t switching itself on?
    For the last few mornings I've noticed it's been on (blue light). I thought maybe as I'd been switching it off at night when it was recording that was the problem so last night I switched it off (whilst recording) but went back downstairs when I knew the recording would have finished and it was still blue (even though I'd switched it off as I'd watched it switch off on screen), so I switched it off on the remote, made sure it was red and assumed all would be well. This morning however it was blue. No idea what's going on.

    Anyone got any ideas or also suffering from this?

    Thank you.

    | Sun 20 Oct 2019 10:09:32 #1 |
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    There is a thread on ( where this has been discussed. It seems as though at least two other people have found this problem. I don't think anyone has any idea why it is happening.

    | Sun 20 Oct 2019 13:36:03 #2 |
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    Thank you for the link to the thread. I'll have a read.

    The only thing I can think of is to pull the plug, to let the unit totally reboot and see if that fixes it. I know it's odd but sometimes the good old, turn if off and on again really does work

    | Sun 20 Oct 2019 14:07:45 #3 |
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    I too have seen this problem with no idea why it happens. However, for other reasons, I set a power on - power off timer for 9:00 to 9:30 and the problem has not recurred for at least 4 months now.

    | Mon 21 Oct 2019 7:14:00 #4 |
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    I have a slight update (no idea if it's of any help but thought I'd add it in case).

    Last night I switched the box off, it was recording, kept watching and it went red when the recording was finished. Went to bed, this morning it was blue again. It did record one more programme after the one I saw finish so I'm assuming the pattern might be when it records after being put into standby it doesn't turn back off again?

    I'll keep an eye (and then probably pull the plug and hope that fixes it).
    Thank you for your replies.

    | Mon 21 Oct 2019 9:46:41 #5 |
  6. Trev


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    Christina2018 - 3 hours ago  » Last night I switched the box off, it was recording,

    So you didn't actually 'switch the box off' (that involves removing the power) but you switched it to standby. There is an important difference.
    Please keep us posted on your findings re recording in standby. But my guess is that you are right.

    | Mon 21 Oct 2019 13:41:50 #6 |
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    It did record one more programme after the one I saw finish so I'm assuming the pattern might be when it records after being put into standby it doesn't turn back off again?

    Do you have any of the servers running? DLNA, SAMBA, FTP? Do you have remote recording set? I have been monitoring mine for some months now - trying to establish why remote recording can be unreliable. I have Wireshark traces of network activity and it does seem that if various events coincide then the FVP can become "confused". Having fiddled around for months I found that remote recording can be the culprit. I now have no trouble with blue light on when it should not be even when recording in standby overnight.

    | Tue 22 Oct 2019 7:22:15 #7 |
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    Trev- Yes you're right, sorry I meant in standby, rather than actually off.

    I put the box into standby to then unplug it from the wall and within roughly 15-30 minutes of me having put it into standby (I thought I'd better leave it a while to make sure it was definitely in standby as I remember someone once saying you really shouldn't cut the power when it's on/hard drive is working) it was already back on and showing blue. So then I put it into standby again and after a few minutes pulled the plug for a couple of minutes.

    Since then everything seem to have gone back to normal. I'll keep an eye on it and will update with how it's all going.

    Thanks for everyone's help. It seems yet again that a good off fashioned off and on at the wall again has done the trick.

    | Thu 24 Oct 2019 10:40:39 #8 |
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    Hi, back on this forum after a long break. We've just had to bin our 4000t because the HDD failed and we now have a 5000t (1TB). I too have noticed that when I come down in the mornings the unit is switched on (blue light) with the hard drive whirring away. I know I've turned the unit off before going to bed and I know no one has been in the room since doing that.

    I've just tried a power cycle as per the suggestion, I'll report back.

    | Thu 7 Nov 2019 6:17:53 #9 |
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    Mine has been working normally again since I pulled the plug so fingers crossed that works for you too Harry.

    Let us know how you get on.

    | Thu 7 Nov 2019 8:56:11 #10 |

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