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5000T~Recordings Missing, How long for HDD Test?

(6 posts)
  1. Stephenesque


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    I turned on my box earlier to find it showing No Recordings and 0 space used on the HDD.

    I unplugged it at the back, plugged it in again, and this time it said No Recordings but showed the HDD figures as if the recordings were still there, but I couldn't access them.

    I went to settings > PVR Settings > Storage and it's showing 77% used 23% available. Back to Recordings page and still nothing showing, nor are they if I go to the schedule (which is still there) and pick a programme like Corrie. The future schedule shows, but the 3 recordings I had don't.

    I'm currently doing an HDD Test which has said 'Processing... This may take a few minutes' for the last 20 minutes or so with the triangle spinning and occasionally slowing.

    Does anyone know how long this usually takes? I have a 2TB box with 424GB free.

    | Sat 30 Jul 2022 14:33:09 #1 |
  2. Stephenesque


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    Update: After an hour of the spinning triangle I unplugged the box again, waited a few minutes and powered it up again.
    This time I left it longer than previously to reboot and, after initially showing 'no recordings' again, they are now all showing.
    So I don't know if it was the HDD Test, or leaving the 2nd reboot longer to do its thing, that fixed it, but I'm happy it's fixed, and hoping it was just a glitch and not a sign that the HDD is failing.

    | Sat 30 Jul 2022 15:57:23 #2 |
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    Your issue appears to be identical to a well known issue.

    Here is a link to one of the previous posts that discusses it and how to avoid it happening.

    | Sat 30 Jul 2022 16:36:39 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    I quite often see the "no recordings" message after bring the box out of standby. I have always waited and eventually the recordings appear without needing to do anything other than be patient. Obviously there will be rare cases where the file system has got corrupted but in most cases no action, other than waiting, is required.

    | Sat 30 Jul 2022 20:31:43 #4 |
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    I can confirm that. My 5000T always shows no recordings when powered on from standby - when no recordings are taking place. Being impatient, I nearly always press Recordings and get this message. After a short while the message disappears and the Recordings page reloads with everything as it should be.

    The time taken to do the HDD test is a little worrying. I don't think my 1TB box takes longer than 5 minutes. A 2TB disk should take longer, but over an hour? Unplugging the box in the middle of the test wouldn't help. In most cases I check for disk noises to have stopped before unplugging. (But not always!)

    | Sun 31 Jul 2022 7:02:10 #5 |
  6. Stephenesque


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    Thanks for the responses.
    I am aware of the issue regarding seeing no recordings if you go into them too quickly after switching on from standby. It's for that reason I switch on my TV from the mains and power up the Humax as I'm making my lunch, so that it will be ready to access recordings when I sit down to eat.
    I do occasionally forget and get that message, but it doesn't take long for the recordings to appear, usually just after I get the 'Network Connected' message. This time it was different as the recordings didn't appear for a long time after powering up nor did they after switching everything off and repeating the procedure.

    I found an old thread on here using my browser search, the forum search brought up nothing, which suggested the HDD Test, which is why I did it, although the person who tried it previously said his test froze, and he had to unplug his box again too. There were no disk noises when I unplugged mine, and hadn't been for some time, despite the spinning triangle on screen, so hopefully it hasn't caused a problem with the disk. I've switched on this morning and everything seems to be ok.

    | Sun 31 Jul 2022 9:16:04 #6 |

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