My Humax Forum » Freeview SD » PVR 9150T, 9200T, 9300T

9300T reboots every 5 mins (exactly)

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    Hi another newbie with a problem.
    My mothers 9300T stopped working and followed advice here and bought a new disk which have I have installed and formatted successfully (i think). Further problem in that after reformat and resetting to default, the machine now sticks on a channel and then reboots itself (to previous channel) afetr 5 minutes of last reboot.
    Help any ideas?

    | Tue 30 Sep 2014 20:07:57 #1 |
  2. Biggles


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    Was the old disk really faulty, did you try to format it, re-seat connectors etc? Can you re-install it as a test, what were the symptoms? Martin is good with disks, he may be along soon.

    | Tue 30 Sep 2014 20:53:47 #2 |
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    sounds like power supply or overheating problems to me, but without more details it's impossible to say, it could be any number of things.

    I'd disconnect the new disk, factory reset it and run the 9300T in non pvr mode and test.
    If the 5 min reboot problem persists then it can't have anything to do with the new disk and the fault most likely lies with the 9300T. If the reboot/freezing now happens every 30 mins or more then it's likely to be an overheating problem

    There's a lack of information so it's impossible to predict or guess what's happening or offer tailored advice.

    What were the symptons before the disk was changed,i.e. what made you change the disk.
    Is it on the latest firmware, if not update it
    What's the exact model of the new disk - there's a lot of discussion about having to use a certain type of disk, you can't go wrong with an AV disk, but others can be suitable.
    Can you format the new disk in windows or similar and run error checking or chkdsk or similar against it.
    Was the box getting warm to the touch - is there a difference in temperature with and without disk connected.

    There's some really useful information here:
    which would help checking the old disk

    There's also plenty of advice within this forum for the 9300T which should enable you to diagnose further, let us know how you get on.

    | Wed 1 Oct 2014 1:31:24 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    kram - 13 hours ago  » 
    My mothers 9300T stopped working and followed advice here and bought a new disk which have I have installed and formatted successfully (i think).

    Start by telling us what make and model of disk you installed.

    | Wed 1 Oct 2014 9:28:25 #4 |
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    HI thanks for the prompt reply. I have been using the info in the forum to attempt the repair, so thnk you for a great knowledge source and support!
    Some more info for you.

    Hardware: Rev 1.0
    Software: UPTTF1.00.26
    Loader A4.39
    Update Jul 7 2011

    I have recheck the seating of the cables at both the disk and motherboard, all seems OK.

    I replaced the original 320 GB, 32 MB disk with a new WD AV-GP 1TB 64MB SATA 6Gb/s IntelliPower Hard Drive. I selected it as the disk has the green credentials and the spec appears to fit the "less than 7200 rpm" max. I know its larger than required but cost was similar.
    I have done a factory reset.

    I will recheck the seating and the power situation with the disk disconnected and try again. Thanks again.

    | Wed 1 Oct 2014 19:15:28 #5 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    kram - 17 minutes ago  » 
    HI thanks for the prompt reply. I have been using the info in the forum to attempt the repair, so thnk you for a great knowledge source and support!
    Some more info for you.
    Hardware: Rev 1.0
    Software: UPTTF1.00.26
    Loader A4.39
    Update Jul 7 2011
    I have recheck the seating of the cables at both the disk and motherboard, all seems OK.
    I replaced the original 320 GB, 32 MB disk with a new WD AV-GP 1TB 64MB SATA 6Gb/s IntelliPower Hard Drive. I selected it as the disk has the green credentials and the spec appears to fit the "less than 7200 rpm" max. I know its larger than required but cost was similar.
    I have done a factory reset.
    I will recheck the seating and the power situation with the disk disconnected and try again. Thanks again.

    You probably need to fit a tiny jumper to pins 5&6 on the drive jumper socket to reduce the transfer rate to 3Gb/sec.

    | Wed 1 Oct 2014 19:36:31 #6 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    kram - 11 hours ago  » 
    I replaced the original 320 GB, 32 MB disk with a new WD AV-GP 1TB 64MB SATA 6Gb/s IntelliPower Hard Drive.

    What is the power consumption of that drive compared to the original? I don't recollect anybody fitting that particular drive to a 9300 before although people have fitted 1TB drives. Depending on what you record, you may well not be able to use the full capacity because of the limit on the number of recordings of 512.

    | Thu 2 Oct 2014 7:16:20 #7 |
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    Hi guys thanks for the support
    The technical spec of the new drive can be found here;


    I'm sorry not familiar with specs, I dont recognise a power consumption data item.

    Reoverheating, no sign from disk or unit overheating (to touch).
    Thank you Graham, is the "jumper" a generic item?

    | Thu 2 Oct 2014 18:53:05 #8 |
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    Your drive uses ~5W, slightly worse than others at 3-4W, but better than standard desktop 6-8W
    Anything with intellipower should be fine.

    A quick search on this forum shows other members having problems with this drive and as Graham suggested you probably need to put a jumper on pins 5-6. See here for further info...,294

    let us know how you get on

    | Thu 2 Oct 2014 20:54:25 #9 |
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    Hi Guys,
    The pvr rebooting does not occur with the data lead (I think) unplugged from the motherboard, so you're correct in that its something to do with the drive. I have followed the suggestion of adding the jumper, and that hasn't worked, infact the timing appears to have got shorter (approx 3 mins).

    Any ideas?
    I havent reformatted either drive as I'm not that familiar with all this. Thanks for all your help - very much appreciated.

    | Sat 4 Oct 2014 15:42:48 #10 |

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