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A simple answer please

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    Joined: Apr '12
    Posts: 13


    My HDR FOX T2 is now on my network and I can see through FTP all the lovely recordings I've made. All I want to do is watch those recordings on my PC / Xoom Pad. I've read lots of blogs about yes you can and no you cant. What is the answer please?


    | Sat 2 Jun 2012 8:16:30 #1 |
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    Posts: 14


    Simple answer is Yes, you can (on PC, I know nothing about Xoom) but not immediately via FTP.

    More detailed answer.

    1. Files are encrypted, and if you use FTP the encryption remains and there isn't a way to get rid of it on the PC.

    2.If you copy an SD program onto a USB drive connected to the Humax, the encryption is removed and you can then use FTP.

    3. This does not work with HD programs. However, a little bit of juggling with a computer program called Foxy lets the same procedure work on HD items.

    3. If you use a computer item called wget then (once it is set up) you can transfer programs from Humax to PC removing the encryption in the process. wget is a command-line program, but there are user-friendly front ends to it. As I have a Mac, I don't know the suitable PC programs.

    There is a little bit of inconvenience in using wget as it identifies the TV program by a reference number, not a title. I use XBMC to find the reference number corresponding to a title.

    4. I am told there are issues with files bigger than 4 Gb,which may be relevant for HD programs or manual recording. I don't know the details of this.

    5. Even after decryption, my editing program (MPEG Streamclip) refuses to recognise the file. However, VLC plays them fine, and converting via VLC lets me get a version that Streamclip can accept.

    | Sat 2 Jun 2012 11:26:32 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    danco01 - 9 hours ago  » 
    4. I am told there are issues with files bigger than 4 Gb,which may be relevant for HD programs or manual recording. I don't know the details of this.

    This is fixed at software version 1.02.27

    | Sat 2 Jun 2012 20:29:58 #3 |
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    Joined: Nov '11
    Posts: 16


    I have a T2 on my network, and a Mac computer, how can I see the contents of the usb drive attached to the T2 over the network ? Can I play the files from the T2 directly from the drive attached to the T2 on my Mac (or Apple TV2) ?

    [Oops just realised this is the HDR forum not the HD forum. Does this work for the HD ?]

    | Mon 18 Jun 2012 15:32:34 #4 |
  5. aldaweb


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    scsjason - 1 day ago  » 
    I have a T2 on my network, and a Mac computer, how can I see the contents of the usb drive attached to the T2 over the network ? Can I play the files from the T2 directly from the drive attached to the T2 on my Mac (or Apple TV2) ?
    [Oops just realised this is the HDR forum not the HD forum. Does this work for the HD ?]

    AIUI this is not possible with a HD and USB drive.

    | Tue 19 Jun 2012 19:01:11 #5 |

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