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A song for YouView

(14 posts)
  1. Barry


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    To the tune My Way (Frank Sinatra)

    And now, the end is here
    And so I send the final survey
    YouView, I'll say it clear
    You cocked it up, of this I'm certain
    I've tried, to like this box
    but it is not, a box, to be liked
    And more, much more than this, You did it your way

    Issues, I've had a few
    But then again, so have others
    I sent the surveys in, and waited in, anticipation
    I hoped, for a response, but none arrived, in my inbox
    Reminder sent, ignored again, You did it your way.

    Yes, there were times, you must have known
    When the Youview box, did not phone home
    No on demand, no backward guide
    Chief selling point, I could have cried
    Reset the box, recordings gone, you do it your way

    I've loved, I've laughed and cried
    At my Youview box, when recordings fail
    And now, as the trial subsides, I find it all so frustrating
    To think you did all that
    And may I say, not in a good way,
    "Oh, no, oh no, Youview, you did it your way.

    For what is a PVR, what has it got?
    Padding Favourites Skip, its got the lot
    To say that things, are missing is true, but are you taking notice, oh no not you
    The record shows, you ignored all, and did it your way!

    | Thu 23 Aug 2012 6:49:10 #1 |
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    peter 05

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    You get a gold star for that :-), youview are sending the boys round later

    | Thu 23 Aug 2012 6:58:42 #2 |
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    new member
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    Can you get on the Youview trial forum site?

    | Thu 23 Aug 2012 20:48:50 #3 |
  4. gomezz


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    Have you not had the email telling you that is now closed?

    | Thu 23 Aug 2012 23:13:01 #4 |
  5. Scuttlebroom


    Joined: Feb '12
    Posts: 19


    I wonder if Barry knows Stargate and Mr Pocket from the trials site, as they had a great song to the tune of Delilah!

    | Fri 24 Aug 2012 10:05:49 #5 |
  6. Barry


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    Scuttlebroom - 54 minutes ago  » 
    I wonder if Barry knows Stargate and Mr Pocket from the trials site, as they had a great song to the tune of Delilah!

    Nope, subscribed, had a look around for a few hours and unsubscribed on the first day it was made available.

    | Fri 24 Aug 2012 11:01:23 #6 |
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    Owen Smith

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    Excellent song, and a good summation of the YouView triallist experience.

    As a fellow triallist, I can say that I also felt completely ignored. I tried so hard to tell them all the things that were missing and made it crap. I sent emails and filled in complaint forms that were as clear and concise as I could make them. I tried to put extra information into the surveys as often as I could ie. whenever there was a free text field, which wasn't often. Occasionally I got a response saying words to the effect of "this is how it's meant to work" and I replied with words to the effect of "yes but that's crap and it could be so much better like this..." and that was usually the end of the conversation.

    As far as I can tell, they had a clear idea of what questions they wanted answered, and often they knew what the "correct" answer was and tried to steer you towards it. They wanted a trial so that they could say "we ran a trial a everybody loved it".

    Which is all a great shame as the goal of YouView is an excellent one. If only they'd started from the HDR Fox T2 software and just added the 7 days backwards to the EPG and the catchup stuff. Oh what a missed opportunity.

    | Fri 24 Aug 2012 17:23:28 #7 |
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    Strange! I found them extremely courteous and helpful both by email and phone and they were receptive to the points I made. I think we need to give youview time to decide which suggestions to follow and then to prioritise, develop, test and implement them over the forthcoming weeks and months.

    In my opinion, top priority is not to rush the changes out. It's also essential not to dribble feed planned changes to forums where expectations can easily be over excited.

    | Mon 27 Aug 2012 17:57:38 #8 |
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    swedish cook

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    bramble - 1 hour ago  » 
    In my opinion, top priority is not to rush the changes out. It's also essential not to dribble feed planned changes to forums where expectations can easily be over excited.

    Fully agree, there is still time for them to fix up what is a promising first cut of software, annoying that they delayed and didn't use that time to get things fixed up but there is promise still in this device.

    I don't know if any of you guys ever had a Topfield 5800 PVR, still regarded as one of the best by enthusiasts, well in the first six months the firmware was shocking, appalling, utter garbage and on several occasions EVERY Topfield would reboot when tuned in to BBC1 (because it didn't like some of the interactive content being broadcast by them). So I'll give them a few months to fix them up and test properly before slagging them openly.

    | Mon 27 Aug 2012 20:00:55 #9 |
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    junior member
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    Haha thats so funny

    | Wed 9 Jan 2013 20:56:15 #10 |

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