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A song for YouView

(14 posts)
  1. grahamlthompson


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    swedish cook - 4 months ago  » 

    bramble - 1 hour ago  » 
    In my opinion, top priority is not to rush the changes out. It's also essential not to dribble feed planned changes to forums where expectations can easily be over excited.

    Fully agree, there is still time for them to fix up what is a promising first cut of software, annoying that they delayed and didn't use that time to get things fixed up but there is promise still in this device.
    I don't know if any of you guys ever had a Topfield 5800 PVR, still regarded as one of the best by enthusiasts, well in the first six months the firmware was shocking, appalling, utter garbage and on several occasions EVERY Topfield would reboot when tuned in to BBC1 (because it didn't like some of the interactive content being broadcast by them). So I'll give them a few months to fix them up and test properly before slagging them openly.

    I did , for a long time it suffered from random loss of audio.

    Basically Humax 8000T, Topfield 5800, Humax 9200T in order. I'm a hoarder , all still work. Thinking of starting a pvr museum.

    | Wed 9 Jan 2013 22:41:20 #11 |
  2. gomezz


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    Surely such a museum would need a Pace Twin to occupy pride of place?

    (currently running four PVRs with two others now serving at a friend's place)

    | Thu 10 Jan 2013 11:48:58 #12 |
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    I purchased a YouView box at the end of November.
    I wasn't keen on the rather clumsy User Interface, nor the boot time, but it performed OK - until I came back from a New Year trip.
    I set it to record whilst I was away, but 3 days later, when I returned, it wouldn't come out of standby. Powering it off/on gave the error "Boot Failure. Invalid Signature.", then nothing.
    I phoned Humax who said they would get Support to phone me - it never happened. They ignored all emails and nobody I spoke to would or could help. Promises of callbacks broke like piecrusts.
    I've given up with YouView and sending it back.

    | Sat 12 Jan 2013 10:46:35 #13 |
  4. gomezz


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    Curious! Several other people with that particular problem have successfully arranged for the box to be swapped. Though they seem to be mainly BT customers so not dealing with Humax directly.

    | Sat 12 Jan 2013 11:30:05 #14 |

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