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Accurate Record on the BT Sport channels?

(3 posts)
  1. gomezz


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    Do BT Sport use Accurate Recording on its multicast channels on the Youview box like the BBC does to cope with overruns (eg a football match going into extra time and penalties) or does it run strictly by the clock (like Five for example)?

    What about the Eurosport channels?

    | Wed 29 Jan 2014 10:31:30 #1 |
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    gomezz - 39 minutes ago  » ...or does it run strictly by the clock (like Five for example)?

    Have you tried AR for Five since post #11 on ?

    | Wed 29 Jan 2014 11:26:49 #2 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    Luke - 41 minutes ago  » 

    gomezz - 39 minutes ago  » ...or does it run strictly by the clock (like Five for example)?

    Have you tried AR for Five since post #11 on ?

    Hi Luke

    I have, the numpties at Channel 5 now put the same series crid and different programme series crids on the Home And Away series, which air on Channel 5 and 5*.

    Result is you get every episode twice.

    On the plus side the times now seem to be accurate

    This is on Freeview, I imagine satellite will be the same

    | Wed 29 Jan 2014 12:11:30 #3 |

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