My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR FOX T2

Accurate Recording

(16 posts)
  1. Trevor Wright

    Trevor Wright

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    I've just got an HDR Fox T2 ahead of our Stage 1/2 digital switchovers in the next fortnight here in East Anglia. Having previously used VideoPlus codes to schedule recordings on my VCR, I'm interested to learn more of the "Accurate Recording" on Freeview and its implementation on the HDR Fox T2.

    So - can someone explain the tech behind Accurate Recording, how is it meant to work; how well is this achieved on the HDR and should I use start/end padding or not. Is my current low signal strength from the transmitter likely to affect matters.


    | Mon 4 Jul 2011 7:33:16 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    The system works by the broadcaster sending a change of running status indicating programme has started and ended. The box starts to look for the start signal about 15 minutes before the scheduled start.

    The main channels generally get it right, the lesser ones are not so reliable. I generally just use AR but if a specific programme causes problems just edit the start and end times and set a repeat pattern (this makes it into a manual recording) for the few that regulary make a mess of it.

    | Mon 4 Jul 2011 8:16:02 #2 |
  3. gomezz


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    With the availability of online catch up services to get the missing minutes if I really feel the need I generally stick with Accurate Recording except for live sport in which case I will add an hour or two of overrun instead.

    | Mon 4 Jul 2011 8:47:06 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Can I just add that our experience with accurate recording on the HDR has been very good with only one or two problems in six months (which may have been down to user error). It is a significant improvement over the implementation on the 9200T. I would suggest trying first without padding (which is how we use it).

    | Mon 4 Jul 2011 8:51:21 #4 |
  5. Trevor Wright

    Trevor Wright

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    Posts: 51


    Thanks for the prompt replies, all most helpful.

    I have found the following ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) DVB specification:
    (not sure its the most up-to-date?) which defines Accurate Recording at Page 99 and shows various examples of the logic in Annex A and later. This is full-strength DVB-speak, but Table 115 on Page 101 neatly summarises the six currently implemented possible states of "Running Status".
    As said above, I guess it's down to the broadcasters to change states at the right time and the Humax to implement the Accurate Recording logic precisely.

    | Mon 4 Jul 2011 12:29:37 #5 |
  6. Barry


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    Only 2 of the running status states are used in the UK - 1 and 4 as far as I am aware.

    | Mon 4 Jul 2011 12:42:29 #6 |
  7. Wallace


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    One thing I have been meaning to ask about AR on a HDR-Fox T2.

    If is use accurate recording AND add padding either to the start, end or both ends of a recording, does AR still work? Or does maunal padding 'switch off' AR?


    | Tue 5 Jul 2011 7:44:09 #7 |
  8. Barry


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    Padding 'switches off' AR

    | Tue 5 Jul 2011 8:17:01 #8 |
  9. Wallace


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    Thanks for clearing that up. I have read reports elsewhere, some say it does, some say it doesn't. Now I know.


    | Tue 5 Jul 2011 13:53:24 #9 |
  10. grahamlthompson


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    If you set the box to start recording 5 minutes before the scheduled time, how would it know when the AR start recording was going to arrive as it's not yet happened. I guess the AR end could chop of the recording as it's received but as most use AR to get over broadcasters messing up the codes it would be pretty pointless.

    You may be confusing AR with Series Recording. Setting auto padding turns off AR but series recording still works.

    | Tue 5 Jul 2011 14:18:33 #10 |

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