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All media just vanished

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    Had one of these for some time. Been very pleased; it's worked flawlessly. Until today.

    For no apparent reason, every single programme I've ever recorded has gone missing. The media display is simply blank. The only thing I can even begin to think of is that earlier this week I gave it a rescan to pick up the new BBC HD channels. But as far as I can see, that would usually only delete the schedules (which it did) not all the actual already-recorded programmes.

    Anyone got any ideas?

    I can see there's about 27 Gbytes used on the disc. IS it possible my programmes are still there but un-indexed? If so, is there any way to get them back?

    | Sun 15 Dec 2013 23:28:51 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    RoyGillett - 51 minutes ago  » 
    For no apparent reason, every single programme I've ever recorded has gone missing. The media display is simply blank. The only thing I can even begin to think of is that earlier this week I gave it a rescan to pick up the new BBC HD channels.

    The rescan will be irrelevant. Can you pause live TV? If not I would guess the hard drive has a problem with the file system. The most likely way to sort it out (and there is no guarantee that it can be sorted) is to install the custom firmware and use fix-disk.

    | Mon 16 Dec 2013 0:23:41 #2 |
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    Live pause works just fine.

    And really, I'm less bothered about retrieving the recordings (there wasn't all that much I hadn't watched) than getting some idea as to what happened and how to avoid it happening again

    | Mon 16 Dec 2013 8:01:25 #3 |

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