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All Recordings Appear To Be Lost

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    Martin Liddle

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    RichardS-UK - 31 mins ago  » 
    OK ... the new disk seems to be initialised but it's showing as 76% used and 24% available because it must have the OS and data from an old PC still on it.

    I think it is very unlikely there will be any old data. What capacity is the hard drive? Some space is always reserved for the root user (10% ?) under Linux; also there will be separate partitions for the the timeslip buffer and the apps which will account for some of the missing space.

    Before formatting it, I decided to run the Humax HDD Test. It says "Processing ... This may take a few minutes" with a spinning triangle but that's been showing for 20 minutes already. How long does this test take to run?

    It took just over a minute on my 2TB drive.

    | Sat 26 Sep 2020 16:15:05 #11 |
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    Right .... I could not complete the HDD Test and neither could I reformat the replacement HDD. It just kept giving an error message that a recording was scheduled so the HDD could not be formatted, even though there was nothing scheduled and no recordings.

    I decided to do another factory reset and format and that seemed to do the trick and I was then able to use the Format HDD option and it worked properly.

    The new HDD now seems to be recording and playing programmes OK so hopefully I met get another year or two out of this box. I might have a look at the old HDD to see if I can recover anything but I suspect that it is completely defunct.

    Many thanks for the help from those above.


    | Sat 26 Sep 2020 18:30:13 #12 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    RichardS-UK - 4 hours ago  » 
    I might have a look at the old HDD to see if I can recover anything but I suspect that it is completely defunct.

    I suggest you connect the old hard drive to a PC and run something like Crystal Diskinfo (free) to access the SMART data and post it here; then we can see if the hard drive is defunct or the file system damaged.

    | Sat 26 Sep 2020 23:22:52 #13 |
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    Just to add a twist to this thread, my Son came to lunch today and I told him about the problems I'd had with the Humax and said that, as it now appears to be working well again, I might replace this pre-used 1TB HDD with a new one and he suggested just putting in a 1TB SDD.

    The connections are the same SATA ones and he is pretty sure that the Humax firmware will simply treat it the same as a conventional HDD. I can even buy a caddy to provide exactly the same physical fittings.

    Has anyone done this before .... and did it work?


    | Sun 27 Sep 2020 14:23:29 #14 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    RichardS-UK - 2 mins ago  » 
    The connections are the same SATA ones and he is pretty sure that the Humax firmware will simply treat it the same as a conventional HDD. I can even buy a caddy to provide exactly the same physical fittings.
    Has anyone done this before .... and did it work?

    It has been done before and it does work. An SSD will have a life that is limited by the amount of data written usually expressed as TBW (Terrabytes Written); you will need a reasonable quality SSD to get a 5 year life if you do a lot of recording. However the only advantage of an SSD in a PVR is the lack of noise. The conventional hard drives are fast enough to cope with recording two HD streams and playing a third with a fair bit of headroom to spare.

    | Sun 27 Sep 2020 14:32:14 #15 |

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