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An interesting perk...

(4 posts)
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    junior member
    Joined: Dec '11
    Posts: 7


    Just got email about the first birthday. Congratulations and all that. Can't remember if I've posted here before but I thought I'd float this idea in here.

    I think a great idea would be if the forumm emailed out notifications of impending Humax software updates. I'm not bothered about getting reminders for other models but I keep forgetting to turn my unit off so I miss out on the updates. A bit of notice would be really cool.

    I'm thinking about buying a new Humax (we're getting HD in March woo-hoo) so I expect to be back soon with daft questions


    | Thu 23 Feb 2012 16:57:37 #1 |
  2. Admin


    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 129


    Although this is a good idea, we are unable to provide such a service at the moment.

    We are currently running MyHumax.Org with no funding (advertising, sponsorship, or donations) whatsoever. We are lucky to have reached our 1st Birthday at all.

    We are currently using 'free' facilities which are resource limited. We had lots of trouble using Googlemail to send out the competition invitations, not only because many email addresses were/are incorrect, but that Googlemail has anti-spamming mechanisms which does not allow us to send out thousands of emails at a time. (We currently have over 1340 members, if you personally send out that amount of messages within a day, the messages will be marked as spam, and so will your email account!)

    However, we do have the RSS feed facility, and this is a better mechanism for keeping up-to-date with your interest whether it be firmware updates or broadcast news.

    Also the whole point of our MyHumax.Org site is for you to logon, read, discuss and contribute to keep in touch with your Humax product. Emailing out messages about firmware updates is not our purpose, and this 1st Birthday Competition email is a one-off event.

    All we ask of you is to support MyHumax.Org by login on regularly and read the forums.

    | Fri 24 Feb 2012 9:13:52 #2 |
  3. Biggles


    special member
    Joined: Apr '11
    Posts: 621


    grinningdog - 16 hours ago  » 
    I'm not bothered about getting reminders for other models but I keep forgetting to turn my unit off so I miss out on the updates. A bit of notice would be really cool.

    You could consider setting the auto switch-off feature then the Hummy would remember for you.

    | Fri 24 Feb 2012 9:47:53 #3 |
  4. Scuttlebroom


    Joined: Feb '12
    Posts: 19


    grinningdog - 17 hours ago  » 

    I think a great idea would be if the forumm emailed out notifications of impending Humax software updates. I'm not bothered about getting reminders for other models but I keep forgetting to turn my unit off so I miss out on the updates. A bit of notice would be really cool.


    How about this website:

    I have had an email already advising me that they are re-broadcasting the latest firmware again this week.

    | Fri 24 Feb 2012 10:46:30 #4 |

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