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Another EPG issue.

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    This one is odd as it only seems to be affecting the BBC channels.
    I have several programmes set up for series link.
    If I go into the EPG it correctly shows the scheduled recordings.
    If I select one on the EPG , it correctly shows the previous recordings along with the upcoming schedule. However, if I go into "recordings" and select the same programme I get an anomaly whereby the recorded episodes are listed but not the schedule but this only affects the BBC channels. Anything recorded/scheduled on any of the other channels displays as I would expect it to with both recorded and upcoming schedule.

    | Fri 31 Jan 2020 15:12:44 #1 |
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    I too have noticed this but only on some BBC programmes. For example it affects the Australian Open tennis highlights programme, but the Graham Norton Show is displaying normally.

    | Fri 31 Jan 2020 15:27:29 #2 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    A tad baffled. The epg can only show a recording flag until the previously shown one is still in the epg. Once the next programme starts that programme is no longer viewable in the live epg. So you can only see future ones that are within the current 7 day epg reach. No backwards ones.

    In recordings there are different options selectable. Programme (default) - opening a series folder shows past and future recordings again up to the end of the 7 day epg reach, scheduled - future recordings.

    BBC 1 is a little different in that the recording flag disappears in the epg once the programme has started if a recording is in progress. At that time the option to view the live programme is the only option. If you want to watch the ongoing recording in chasing playback, it's in the recordings - programme options. Moving to Schedule shows future recordings to the end of the current epg data

    The other channels open the series folder giving you the option as on BBC to view a live recording in chasing playback.

    The epg on other channels only shows a recording ongoing if the time slot is within the current view. Once out of view it works the same as the BBC channels;

    | Fri 31 Jan 2020 15:33:48 #3 |
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    Deleted. Forum still has problems with uploading multiple photos.


    1. 20200131_145530.jpg (1698.1 KB, 5 downloads) 5 years old
    | Fri 31 Jan 2020 15:45:06 #4 |
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    Direct from epg.


    1. 20200131_145530.jpg (1698.1 KB, 0 downloads) 5 years old
    | Fri 31 Jan 2020 15:47:39 #5 |
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    From within the "recordings" tab.


    1. 20200131_145441.jpg (1947.3 KB, 0 downloads) 5 years old
    | Fri 31 Jan 2020 15:48:32 #6 |
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    ITV from within the "recordings" tab.


    1. 20200131_145602.jpg (1638.8 KB, 0 downloads) 5 years old
    | Fri 31 Jan 2020 15:49:25 #7 |
  8. grahamlthompson


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    Still not sure what the photos are supposed to show.

    Photo 1 there is no time when it was generated. It shows a recording was made yesterday. And one is scheduled for today presumably at 19:59. It will not appear in the list until it starts. If you are saying that it was done today how did you get yesterday on the epg today ?

    | Fri 31 Jan 2020 17:14:39 #8 |
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    This tonight's EPG.
    If I then select the Winterwatch schedule from here, I get picture 1, which displays both the scheduled recording and those already made.
    If I go into the "recordings" tab and select Winterwatch it only shows the recordings and nothing scheduled.
    If I do either operation on The Chase, I get a page showing both recordings and scheduled, as per picture 3.
    There shouldn't be any difference between BBC and ITV but there is.

    | Fri 31 Jan 2020 18:00:15 #9 |
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    This is tonight's EPG.

    | Fri 31 Jan 2020 18:03:41 #10 |

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