My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

Anyone as fed up as we are!

(12 posts)
  1. Thrugelmir


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    What a pile of junk. We are at the point of throwing the box in the bin. Currently we are experiencing

    Humax remote operates TV on and off.

    Humax remote doesn't always operate Humax box.

    Unable to power Humax box on and off with remote. Have to disconnect and reboot.

    So far 8 recordings have stopped recording between 7 and 11 minutes.

    If the TV is turned on with TV remote . Then Humax remote switched TV off.

    Then there's the TV guide . Who dreamt that design up? No where as good as older models.

    Also the recordings list. We don't pictures of the programmes. A sortable list is totally sufficient.

    This has to rank as the worst purchase we've ever made. Humax your reputation is sinking fast. I wouldn't recommend anyone to buy Humax products as they currently stand. Poor value, built by chimps for chimps.

    Rant over.

    | Mon 29 Feb 2016 22:33:37 #1 |
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    The problem is that because it's such a rant it's difficult to advise or help as you don't tell us anything about your current set up e.g. T.V. model and year, how everything is cabled up etc. etc.

    | Mon 29 Feb 2016 22:41:52 #2 |
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    Join the queue! See the other posts on the forum, I thought the era of releasing a product with this number of bugs had passed.

    | Mon 29 Feb 2016 22:45:44 #3 |
  4. Thrugelmir


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    The problem is that because it's such a rant it's difficult to advise or help as you don't tell us anything about your current set up e.g. T.V. model and year, how everything is cabled up etc. etc.

    When I buy an off the shelf product I expect to it work. Simple as that. The fact that Humax as a Company are happy to sell product in such a poor finished state speaks volumes.

    As the CEO of GM once described Microsoft. If I built and sold cars as they build software we'd be out of business.

    | Mon 29 Feb 2016 23:03:51 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Thrugelmir - 21 minutes ago  » 
    When I buy an off the shelf product I expect to it work.

    What software version is the box running?

    | Mon 29 Feb 2016 23:25:49 #5 |
  6. Davygogs


    Joined: Dec '15
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    Guess i must be one of the lucky ones! Loving mine & no hassles what so ever.

    Yes the EPG could be better & hopefuly future updates will improve things but all in all a cracking piece of kit IMO.

    Hope you get it sorted!

    | Tue 1 Mar 2016 8:12:59 #6 |


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    Thrugelmir - 10 hours ago  » 
    [quote]Humax remote operates TV on and off.

    Humax remote doesn't always operate Humax box.

    Unable to power Humax box on and off with remote. Have to disconnect and reboot.


    If the TV is turned on with TV remote . Then Humax remote switched TV off.

    Sounds like HDMI-CEC to me - try turning it off on the TV - see the FAQ's for what your brand calls it.

    | Tue 1 Mar 2016 9:08:44 #7 |
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    Thrugelmir - 9 hours ago  » 

    The problem is that because it's such a rant it's difficult to advise or help as you don't tell us anything about your current set up e.g. T.V. model and year, how everything is cabled up etc. etc.

    When I buy an off the shelf product I expect to it work. Simple as that. The fact that Humax as a Company are happy to sell product in such a poor finished state speaks volumes.
    As the CEO of GM once described Microsoft. If I built and sold cars as they build software we'd be out of business.

    No one is arguing against your assertion. It is a fact that the 4000T does appear to be having a lot of issues and as I have said repeatedly we appear to be living in an age where an increasing number of manufacturers are releasing products where the buyers are being used as Beta testers - usually the early adopters.

    However, people on this forum will try to assist you in solving some of the issues. In order for that to happen you have to work with people by providing basic information. I said only last week that it appears to take Humax around 12 months from launch for their products to become relatively bug free.

    | Tue 1 Mar 2016 9:09:08 #8 |
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    Yes I had exactly the same problem. Also the device gets very hot! Not just warm but HOT! Returned for refund! Had 2 Humax devices before, both worked well. The 4000T is a pile of junk and should not have been released for general sale until ALL the bugs ironed out.

    | Mon 7 Mar 2016 12:06:51 #9 |
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    Well I bought my Humax 4000T mocha about a couple of months ago from Argos and its been a great little machine, I have had NO trouble with mine at all. I have heard there as been a few bugs with this modal, but mine seems OK at the moment. But all I can say if the machine is faulty take it back to the shop, they are not cheap to buy ether. I think if a lot of people just took them back to the shop then Humax may start releasing a machine that works 100%, rather than 75% and saying we are working on it.

    | Mon 7 Mar 2016 12:51:34 #10 |

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