My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

App for 5000T

(7 posts)
  1. Davy


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    Posts: 132


    Is there an app for the FBP-5000T that I can use to set recordings on my IPad as I do for my 1100S?
    Also, anyway to change the postcode so I can get ITV 1 on the ITV Player because in Scotland where I live, we can’t get that but have to use the stv player which is not very good...

    | Sun 18 Mar 2018 23:30:31 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Live TV or TV Guide are the apps required, you can set timers from the guide within the app. Remote recording on the FVP has to be enabled obviously.

    | Mon 19 Mar 2018 8:57:13 #2 |
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    Barry - 2 minutes ago  » 
    Live TV is the app required, you can set timers from the guide within the app. Remote recording on the FVP has to be enabled obviously.

    can you please confirm that enabling remote recording means that the HDD will spin up repeatedly throughout the specified time?

    doesn't this mean that the life of the HDD/machine will be reduced due to the added wear and tear?



    | Mon 19 Mar 2018 9:06:51 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    Davy - 9 hours ago  » 
    Is there an app for the FBP-5000T that I can use to set recordings on my IPad as I do for my 1100S?
    Also, anyway to change the postcode so I can get ITV 1 on the ITV Player because in Scotland where I live, we can’t get that but have to use the stv player which is not very good...

    If you do a reset to factory defaults, you can enter any valid UK postcode. Photograph your recording schedule first as you will have to re-enter them.

    | Mon 19 Mar 2018 9:24:05 #4 |
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    The latest version of ITV Player has a menu option to change location. It seems Humax box does not have the latest version ?

    | Mon 19 Mar 2018 9:59:57 #5 |
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    Joined: Aug '13
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    Don't know if this is normal (just got my 5000T on Saturday) but the LiveTV app on my Android tablet is a bit flakey when playing back recordings. It seems to do some sort of re-encoding such that when the action gets a bit busy the picture starts to break up. The actual recording is fine but played back through the app it blocks up.

    I have also had several instances where it stops altogether and I have to close the app and reconnect. May be down to wifi issues but the 5000T is wired and I have a hotspot within 3m of the tablet.

    Am I right in thinking it is re-encoding? In which case I am probably better off playing back via Samba but that seems to be even more unreliable.

    | Mon 19 Mar 2018 15:34:04 #6 |
  7. Davy


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    Posts: 132


    Many thanks for info...

    | Thu 5 Apr 2018 22:16:38 #7 |

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