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Audio/Video buffer underrun

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    My Humax hd10000 freesat box has suddenly displayed "Audio/Video buffer underrun". I can receive no channels at all. This happened several hours ago. Is there anything I can do? Thank you.

    | Sun 17 Jun 2018 18:11:21 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    We don't have this model in the UK. We did have this issue a while ago but was fixed a long time ago.

    The usual advice is a reset to factory defaults,

    | Sun 17 Jun 2018 18:40:36 #2 |
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    Thanks. Actually it is a UK model; I typed the model-name incorrectly. The problem is solved now, thank you. If a member of the Admin team could close the thread, it would be appreciated, thanks.

    | Sun 17 Jun 2018 19:22:55 #3 |
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    I had this problem today 18th , my Netflix would stop and start and then I was told to try another series, and You Tube was the same stop and start, What is the cause,

    | Mon 18 Jun 2018 17:56:04 #4 |
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    Mine is HDR 1100s forgot to say. Why do I get the word audio with the red button on my screen , Never saw this before

    | Mon 18 Jun 2018 17:59:11 #5 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Countrysinger50 - 56 minutes ago  » 
    Why do I get the word audio with the red button on my screen , Never saw this before

    I take that is on a BBC channel? I think it is coming from the BBc; when I pressed the red button in response (expecting a choice of audio streams) I just got the standard red button menu.

    | Mon 18 Jun 2018 18:57:32 #6 |
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    junior member
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    Thanks for the feedback , I understand now, Do you know if the buffering is stopped on On Demand and You tube, I had this today and never had it before,

    | Mon 18 Jun 2018 19:01:57 #7 |

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