Error checking causes problems? Can I compensate for this somehow? Thanks for the link by the way.
My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » FOXSAT HDR
Backing up programmes & reformatting HDD: newbie
(12 posts)-
| Sun 17 Mar 2013 17:27:04 #11 |
zeke - 7 minutes ago »
Error checking causes problems? Can I compensate for this somehow? Thanks for the link by the way.A drive designed for use in a computer has to deliver each and every bit 100% accurately, in a worn drive this can result in the drive not providing a continuous data stream. I don't know if modern PC drives have this problem but users who have used standard drives in Foxsat's have reported problems in around 12 - 18 months of use. The odd missing bit from a video stream will probably not matter too much.
For what it's worth here's the WD spin (pun intended
) on AV drive specs.
On some drives you can change the firmware set up, you would have to check out the drive makers website.
| Sun 17 Mar 2013 17:43:07 #12 |
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