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BBC i-player no longer works

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    new member
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    Hi there

    Recently we have been unable to view BBC & ITV programs on catch up. I-player starts to load but then never finishes booting up just sticks with the loading circle forever. The box is definitely connected to internet because "All 4" catchup works fine. BBC iPlayer also works fine direct through the TV or on computer but not on the fvp 4000.

    Any suggestions?

    | Wed 1 Feb 2017 20:26:51 #1 |
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    Works fine on my set (just checked!) - could your internet connection be dodgy - lacking signal strength for BBC HD through the FVP-4000 but Ok on All4 (?SD) ... I'm no techie so may be talking nonsense!

    | Thu 2 Feb 2017 10:36:07 #2 |
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    Aknt - 14 hours ago  » 
    Recently we have been unable to view BBC & ITV programs on catch up.

    Have you changed your router's firewall settings 'recently'? Different devices apps for the same service do vary in what they need.

    | Thu 2 Feb 2017 11:25:22 #3 |
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    I've been experiencing a very similar problem with BBC4 OD this week on my HDR1000S. Half way into the playback the circular wheel spins endlessly. I can see no reason why my internet connection is a problem, it's reading its usual 50M speed. However, I went into iPlayer settings and changed video quality from "Best Quality" to "SD" and problem solved. Could be a problem at the BBC servers.

    EDIT: Cancel that. Even after changing to SD the problem is happening. Since it has never happened prior to this week I reckon a BBC problem.

    | Thu 2 Feb 2017 17:25:40 #4 |
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    special member
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    Aknt - 22 hours ago  » 
    Hi there
    Recently we have been unable to view BBC & ITV programs on catch up. I-player starts to load but then never finishes booting up just sticks with the loading circle forever. The box is definitely connected to internet because "All 4" catchup works fine. BBC iPlayer also works fine direct through the TV or on computer but not on the fvp 4000.
    Any suggestions?

    No problems for me.

    Have you done a factory reset? If you havent, it might be worth doing so - but be warned you lose your recording schedule, so make a note before a reset.

    | Thu 2 Feb 2017 18:30:18 #5 |

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