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BBC iPlayer control from the Remote

(2 posts)
  1. Trevor Wright

    Trevor Wright

    senior member
    Joined: Jun '11
    Posts: 51


    Can someone advise me which remote control buttons are supposed to be functional when running a programme from the BBC iPlayer. Play (solid >) and Stop (square) works, and fast forward/back (>>/<<) jump 5 minutes forwards/back but the > and < appear dead ?


    | Thu 10 Nov 2011 8:49:54 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 11,051


    It is the previous/next │<< >>│keys that jump 5 minutes I believe, the FF/RWD have no effect. Also the pause key works, along with play and stop - that is about it.

    | Thu 10 Nov 2011 9:12:33 #2 |

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