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black screen recording bbc4 ch009

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    junior member
    Joined: Dec '20
    Posts: 5


    hi, been trying to record snooker championship, bbc 1 bbc2 are ok but the evening ch 009 bbc 4, has recorded black screens,and if left to play sound is in the backgroud correct, but when using fast forward it does not work onto a good screen.when i manage to watch after it was scheduled, and stopped the recording then started it again the recording was ok.
    looks like to me the humax fvp 5000t on shed, from the guide has the wrong times, not synconised and the humax starts recording before bbc4 has started recording and a black screen is recorded. should there be a detection of a program playing, before it starts recording ??

    | Sat 29 Apr 2023 14:59:13 #1 |
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    special member
    Joined: Oct '14
    Posts: 364


    Did the snooker start at 7pm? Did your recording start before 7pm? I've had this problem with programmes at this time (I don't use accurate recording and the padding causes the recording to start at 6:58 or maybe 6:57). Not that it's much help but if you save the SD recording to a USB drive you will probably find the pictures have been recorded and it should be playable with VLC or similar
    To prevent this happening, the only suggestions I have are: start the recording manually; set a manual timer for 7pm or 7:01.

    | Sun 30 Apr 2023 6:56:41 #2 |
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    junior member
    Joined: Dec '20
    Posts: 5


    hi, cheers for reply, the recording showed 6:58 start,
    will try manual timer time for this channel

    | Mon 1 May 2023 11:00:02 #3 |

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