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Box Randomly shuts down during replay

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    I'm new to the forum but I've had the HDR for a few tears now and until recently it's been as good as gold. However of late it would randomly shut down during replay of recorded media either HD or SD and having spent 35+ years in the computer industry I suspected HD and/or heat as the most likely cause of the failure so the 320mb Seagate was replaced with a 1Tb WD Green AV drive and the fan with a working spare and for a short while it appeared that the problem was fixed. However last night when watching an ITV1 HD recording the problem re-occurred and required the box to be re-started as usual with the power on stand-by button and it then performs a normal boot and I can select media a continue and all is well for a bit longer. Has anyone else experienced something similar or got any other suggestions as to a possible cause??

    | Wed 29 Aug 2012 15:30:10 #1 |
  2. gomezz


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    Failing / failed capacitors in the PSU are a common cause of problems of this kind. First step is to looked for domed tops on the caps.

    | Wed 29 Aug 2012 15:36:36 #2 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    Have you tried copying a problem SD recording to a usb drive and playing it back on a PC ?

    Connecting the drive to a Linux booted PC and running a disk check might be a good idea. Is the drive a CE rated model ?

    | Wed 29 Aug 2012 15:38:27 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    grahamlthompson - 16 seconds ago  » 
    Have you tried copying a problem SD recording to a usb drive and playing it back on a PC ?

    Wrong button

    | Wed 29 Aug 2012 15:39:31 #4 |
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    Thanks for the quick replies. The power supply suggestion will be my next port of call and yes WD says the following re CE "SilkStream Optimized for smooth, continuous digital video playback of up to twelve simultaneous HD streams.
    SilkStream is compatible with the ATA streaming command set so CE
    customers can use standard streaming management and error
    recovery options."

    Having looked on the Humax beta site I see that the latest release HPRSFCI 1.00.21 should include a previous fix for bad sectors, I wonder if it may be worth going back to HPRSFCI 1.00.20 which describes my problem to a T?? any input from Humax on this thought.

    | Wed 29 Aug 2012 18:54:03 #5 |
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    Update to my problem
    Caps looked OK and scoped o/p's from power supply and all looked clean to me so decided to re-load HPRSFCI 1.00.20 firmware and that evening box was OK watching the whole of the touring cars recording (about 6 hours). Overnight it got re-loaded with HPRSFCI 1.00.21 and as of today 2/9 the box has performed faultlessly so here's hoping the firmware re-load solved my problem. Thanks again to those that replied with some good suggestions.

    | Sun 2 Sep 2012 16:19:07 #6 |

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