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Bulk media file transfer to FOXSAT

(3 posts)
  1. simoncroft


    Joined: May '12
    Posts: 11


    I would like to transfer our many pictures, music files and, ultimately, videos to the FOXSAT box. Although I've learned how transfer one file at a time from a memory stick, that is a very long-winded approach when you have thousands of files.
    Is the firmware update I read about in an earlier post about connecting a PC the way forward? I'm normally a 'dive in' guy but I'm reluctant to mess with a box that is currently working very nicely. Also, we use Apple Macs rather than Windows computers. Am I right in thinking the browser-based interface means you can address the FOXSAT box from any platform?
    It maybe that you can achieve a bulk transfer as-is and I've just missed the point.
    Thank you for any input.

    | Mon 4 Jun 2012 0:47:33 #1 |
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    Posts: 176


    I think you have summed it up. As is, moving files isn't very slick. You can switch modes in file manager and use the tick boxes to select multiple files but it still isn't very smooth.

    The custom firmware makes the HDR run as an FTP server and allows you to manipulate files using your preferred FTP client.

    There are a couple of things to bear in mind, e.g. if you move recordings with FTP, you need to update the side files so that the HDR knows they've been moved.

    The custom firmware web interface (HTTP) allows you to do this with the rename option.

    You don't need windows.


    | Mon 4 Jun 2012 8:52:42 #2 |
  3. simoncroft


    Joined: May '12
    Posts: 11


    Thank you for giving me confirmation that the firmware update would do what I hoped and also the confidence to carry it out! For the benefit of anyone else who is tempted but wary:
    1. Choice of USB stick is critical. I eventually got a result using an ancient stick formatted to FAT16. If you don't see your box go through the sequence described in the instructions and get the update bar on your TV, it hasn't worked, so try again.
    2. Yes, you can access the Humax box and download the browser-based interface using a Mac, no prob.
    3. I found Firefox faster than Safari for some reason.
    I should point out that although I'm an experienced Mac user and know 'a bit' about networks, I'm not a programmer. So, if you're a bit intimidated by the description of the directory structure etc, don't worry. All becomes much clearer as you go along. I think it's brilliant that people have taken the time to make this upgrade possible. Wow!

    | Tue 5 Jun 2012 17:51:17 #3 |

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