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Can I get root access on the ftp server?

(4 posts)
  1. AuricMists


    Joined: Jan '21
    Posts: 15


    I have been copying files off my FVP-5000T using the Media Server.
    I have noticed a lot of orphaned programs (some files are there but they don't show up on the recordings listings on the device itself).
    I used ftp to connect to the FVP's ftp server to look at what files are present.
    I see that there are some metadata files for these orphans without the corresponding video files. However, the 'admin' user doesn't have permissions to delete these files, nor does it have permission to use chmod.
    Is there any way to login to the ftp server as a superuser (root) that has the necessary permissions to remove these files?
    The alternative is to copy everything off the server then re-format the disk, which is something I don't want to do.

    | Mon 4 Jan 2021 20:07:12 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    AuricMists - 2 hours ago  » 
    The alternative is to copy everything off the server then re-format the disk, which is something I don't want to do.

    You could take the drive out of the FVP-5000T and connect it to a PC running Linux (easiest way would be a live boot CD) and delete the files.

    | Mon 4 Jan 2021 22:49:11 #2 |
  3. AuricMists


    Joined: Jan '21
    Posts: 15


    Martin Liddle - 44 mins ago  » 
    You could take the drive out of the FVP-5000T and connect it to a PC running Linux (easiest way would be a live boot CD) and delete the files.

    It may come to that, Martin. I have a couple of Linux machines running just now.
    It would be nice, however, to discover if there is a superuser account on the box. I have tried the standard telnet port but it gets refused. will have to try other ports to see if there are any other servers running.


    | Mon 4 Jan 2021 23:35:18 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    AuricMists - 45 mins ago  » 
    It would be nice, however, to discover if there is a superuser account on the box. I have tried the standard telnet port but it gets refused. will have to try other ports to see if there are any other servers running.

    If you have a Linux box then you could try something like

    sudo nmap -sU -p-

    where is the IP address of the Humax. I will be surprised if you find a simple way in but it is always worth a fresh p[air of eyes looking at a problem.

    | Tue 5 Jan 2021 0:23:42 #4 |

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