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Can I move FVP-4000T HDD to a new DVD player?

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    My FVP-4000T suddenly stopped while watching a recording. It appears to be a power problem but the mains adapter is OK, therefore internal to the unit. Is it possible to move the HDD to another FVP-4000T as I have around 70 recordings that I do not want to lose. Can anyone tell me a way to save my recordings if this would not work as I have read that the HDD is digitally 'tied' to the CPU main board it was installed in.

    | Sun 18 Apr 2021 15:44:23 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Unlike Humax boxes that have the operating system in non volatile RAM and not on the hard disk. This means you can install a completely blank disk and the operating system is simply copied to the new hard disk. DVD machines with a hard disk have the OS on the disk. So you cannot just swap in a new disk.

    Have you considered getting the machine repaired ?

    You could clone the old hard disk to a new one using a cradle with disk cloning capability.

    If you have access to working Freeview HD PVR you could copy the recordings in real time using a digital modulator.

    Had the box been a HDR-FOX-T2 you could have saved the recordings HD and SD.

    | Sun 18 Apr 2021 15:57:12 #2 |
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    I'm reluctant to send it away for repairs as there is every chance the recordings will be lost. I rang Humax TS and they were no use at all, saying the HDD might work in another machine or might not, depending on age of machine, F/W etc. I'm now considering buying a second hand unit and putting my HDD in it and hope for the best. Or I could also put the drive into a USB caddy and see if the new unit picks it up. Any other suggestions very welcome!

    | Mon 19 Apr 2021 10:59:39 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    pinkweevil - 38 mins ago  » 
    I'm reluctant to send it away for repairs as there is every chance the recordings will be lost. I rang Humax TS and they were no use at all, saying the HDD might work in another machine or might not, depending on age of machine, F/W etc. I'm now considering buying a second hand unit and putting my HDD in it and hope for the best. Or I could also put the drive into a USB caddy and see if the new unit picks it up. Any other suggestions very welcome!

    Members who have used the service report unit returned with all recordings intact.

    | Mon 19 Apr 2021 11:39:06 #4 |
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    pinkweevil - 4 hours ago  » 
    I rang Humax TS and they were no use at all, saying the HDD might work in another machine or might not, depending on age of machine, F/W etc.

    The HDD might work in another machine but as all recordings are encrypted uniquely to your current HDR-4000T none of them will play.

    pinkweevil - 4 hours ago  » 
    depending on age of machine, F/W etc.

    The slim chance of that happening is if the replacement machine was not as up to date as your current one, but as all recordings are encrypted it wouldn't help you to watch your old recordings either way.

    pinkweevil - 4 hours ago  » 
    I'm now considering buying a second hand unit and putting my HDD in it and hope for the best.

    All recordings would still be encrypted for your first unit and unplayable by the second unit.

    pinkweevil - 4 hours ago  » 
    Or I could also put the drive into a USB caddy and see if the new unit picks it up.

    All recordings would still be encrypted for your first unit and unplayable by the second unit.

    pinkweevil - 4 hours ago  » 
    Any other suggestions very welcome!

    Crack the encryption.
    Or change your mind about not getting your current unit repaired.

    | Mon 19 Apr 2021 15:27:40 #5 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    pinkweevil - 4 hours ago  » 
    I'm reluctant to send it away for repairs as there is every chance the recordings will be lost. I rang Humax TS and they were no use at all, saying the HDD might work in another machine or might not, depending on age of machine, F/W etc.

    It will work in another machine but the recordings definitely won't be playable. If the recordings are really important then sending it away is your best chance but there will be no guarantee that the recordings will be preserved because the fault might require changing the motherboard or hard drive.

    I'm now considering buying a second hand unit and putting my HDD in it and hope for the best. Or I could also put the drive into a USB caddy and see if the new unit picks it up.

    Neither of those suggestions will help with playing the recordings.

    | Mon 19 Apr 2021 15:32:27 #6 |
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    This is why it’s never a good idea to save cherished recordings to a modern PVR. They should only be used as a temporary recording and storage medium.

    | Tue 20 Apr 2021 7:59:09 #7 |

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