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Canceled recording

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    Last night I was watching a program "live" when another program was due to start recording. At that point a message popped up saying that the PVR would switch to the program to be recorded. I wanted to carry on watching the "live" programme so I clicked on "Cancel". Instead of just cancelling the switch over, it cancelled the recording. Surely with two tuners, I should be able to carry on watching a "live" broadcast while another records in the background. Is there some setting I need to change?

    | Mon 6 Jul 2020 11:47:22 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Was there a second recording taking place?

    | Mon 6 Jul 2020 13:57:04 #2 |
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    I had been "chase" viewing and had caught up with the live programme, but presumably that programme was still recording.

    | Mon 6 Jul 2020 16:01:38 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    dockwray - 1 hour ago  » 
    I had been "chase" viewing and had caught up with the live programme, but presumably that programme was still recording.

    It would have carried on recording until the programme was complete. So basically until that completed you had two recordings already. If the two happen to be on the same mux eg the PSB-HD mux. then only 1 tuner is needed to make both recordings. So had this been the case the 2nd tuner could have made the recording from a different mux. Had you elected to watch rather than cancel it's likely the other would have started without losing any content.

    | Mon 6 Jul 2020 17:15:39 #4 |
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    Tjhank you for that - I understand now. I suppose that the way to avoid the same thing in the future is to make sure that when chase viewing I never quite catch up.

    | Mon 6 Jul 2020 21:52:20 #5 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    dockwray - 10 hours ago  » 
    Tjhank you for that - I understand now. I suppose that the way to avoid the same thing in the future is to make sure that when chase viewing I never quite catch up.

    If you use the forward skip key. it stops working when a forward skip would take you back to live TV. Assuming your box has the usual + 2mins default, so nearest you can get to live TV is 2 mins away.

    | Tue 7 Jul 2020 8:24:52 #6 |
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    Thank you very much for that helpful advice. Entirely my fault, but I hadn't even appreciated the purpose of the skip key. Presumably that is the key with a right pointing arrow and a vertical line.

    | Tue 7 Jul 2020 8:47:10 #7 |
  8. grahamlthompson


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    dockwray - 37 mins ago  » 
    Thank you very much for that helpful advice. Entirely my fault, but I hadn't even appreciated the purpose of the skip key. Presumably that is the key with a right pointing arrow and a vertical line.

    I don't have your box so can't look at the remote. On Humax remotes its normally two right facing triangles with a vertical bar. To skip ads ITV normally has 4 min breaks but sometimes only two minutes.

    Default settings are normally - 2 seconds and + 2 mins. If you have a OK button the skip keys are often left and right of the centre OK button.

    On a HDR-FOX-T2 remote. The keys have a left rotating arrow for back and forward rotating arrow for forward skip.

    You should have setup options in the settings menu.

    Modus operandi two right skips skips 4 min. If you overshoot press back skip till you see the end of the ads.

    | Tue 7 Jul 2020 9:32:35 #8 |
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    Just as a matter of interest, I checked the skip forward settings and as you thought it was set to 2 minutes. However, when pressing the skip button, it does skip forward 2 minutes, but if there is less time than that left it will go straight to live tv. I can of course press the skip back button to go a few seconds back into the recording. Just a different model working in a different way, I suppose.
    Anyway, many thanks for your help.

    | Thu 9 Jul 2020 11:23:07 #9 |
  10. grahamlthompson


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    dockwray - 14 mins ago  » 
    Just as a matter of interest, I checked the skip forward settings and as you thought it was set to 2 minutes. However, when pressing the skip button, it does skip forward 2 minutes, but if there is less time than that left it will go straight to live tv. I can of course press the skip back button to go a few seconds back into the recording. Just a different model working in a different way, I suppose.
    Anyway, many thanks for your help.

    The forward skip should be be ignored if there is less than 2 minutes to live TV. This works on a HDR-FOX-T2. Guessing it will also work on the similar 1800/2000T.

    | Thu 9 Jul 2020 11:38:32 #10 |

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