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Cannot delete or rename 2 files in .BACKUP

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    I have the "Convertfile Plug-in" installed and I'd chosen to create backups, many moons ago. Recently, I found I hardly had any disk space left on my 1TB HDD so I went about weeding. I Still couldn't release all the space I knew to be there, so I formatted the HDD within the Foxsat. Still over 450Gb marked as "used". It was only after I used Filezilla to connect to the box that I discovered that "/mnt/hd3/Video/.BACKUP" was full of files! I've now re-set the "Convertfiles Plug-in" so that it doesn't create backups and all but two files within the backup folder have been deleted. I now cannot delete or rename those two files. Does anyone have any idea how I could do that? The filenames are:

    Bryn Fôn_ Chwilio am Feibion Glyndwr_20211125_2100.ts
    Jürgen Klopp_ Germany's____20200803_2303.ts

    | Thu 30 Dec 2021 10:17:42 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Niel0wen - 2 hours ago  » 
    The filenames are:
    Bryn Fôn_ Chwilio am Feibion Glyndwr_20211125_2100.ts
    Jürgen Klopp_ Germany's____20200803_2303.ts

    I am guessing it is a character encoding problem; probably easiest way would be to connect via telnet, change directory to .BACKUP, check very carefully that you are in .BACKUP and the issue

    rm *

    | Thu 30 Dec 2021 12:38:48 #2 |
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    Looks like there may be some irregular and/or undisplayable characters in the file names. How were you trying to delete them, cli or filezilla ?

    Have you tried running 'rm -rf .BACKUP' from within the parent Video directory using cli ? This command will normally remove a directory and the contents so use with care.

    Or try running the fixfilenames plugin to see if that can regularise the file names.

    | Thu 30 Dec 2021 12:41:52 #3 |
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    Many thanks to you both. I'd forgotten about cli & telnet. I more or less followed the advice - I first used Filezilla to change the name of the ".BACKUP" directory to "DeleteMe" then, using telnet, logged in to the Foxsat, changed directory to "hd3/Video/DeleteMe" and issued the "rm *" command. That got rid of Jurgen and Bryn. I then logged out and deleted "DeletMe" from Filezilla. I used Filezilla because i wanted to make absolutely sure both files had actuall gone!

    Thanks again.

    | Thu 30 Dec 2021 13:44:37 #4 |

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